Friday, March 19, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: March 20, 2021, Saturday of the Fourth Week of Lent, Year B

Jeremiah 11:18-20,

Psalm 7:2-3.9bc-10.11-12,

Gospel: John 7:40-52 Full Readings

 Saint Salvator of Horta                

 Nobody has Ever Spoken Like Jesus

Brethren today's readings continue with theme of rejection, abandonment and passing wrong judgement. Though the time for Jesus to be arrested has not come, these readings point to us the reality that Jesus will be rejected, abandoned even betrayed by his own disciple and then judged and sentenced to death unjustly. They also show us in a way that us as Christians who speak in the name of God will have such experiences and so we have to stand firm in faith until we reach our destiny.

In the first Reading, we see a plot against Jeremiah, a plot to cut him out of the land that is like cutting the tree of its roots, the only result is for it to die. Why is it so? Because he has spoken in the name of God, he has become a Prophet and challenged their every ungodly ways of life. In the eyes of the people, he was against them, since the word of God is always sharper than the double edged sword and challenges the people's comfort zone. But Jeremiah puts his trust in the Lord and takes refuge in him as he waits for his just sentence and vengeance on them. 

Are we ready to stand for God despite all insults, threats, rejection, abandonment and not listening to us? Are we ready to speak boldly in the name of God and challenge the existing structures and comfort zones which exploit, discriminate and deny human dignity? It does not need to be a priest, brother, sister, catechist, but it is for everyone starting to be a prophet from your home, family village, and going up. We can't expect big changes when we don't start from our families. Of course this always has a cross to bear, a cross of being a prophet and we have to be ready for it and face it.

The best example of the one who took up a cross (persecution) of a prophet is Jesus, who really accepted it even up to death. Jesus was persecuted not only by his death but since the beginning of his ministry, for we see rejection in his hometown, and in many instances, the Pharisees and Scribes sought to arrest him because of challenging all the customs in the society. Amidst all these Jesus was conscious of the consequences of what he was doing but continued with it, a sign of full faithfulness in God. Jesus knew clearly that the Sanhedrin and Romans would execute such people but that didn't threaten Him even after seeing what happened to John Baptist. He continued to speak boldly and eloquently that everyone one was impressed, even the soldiers who wanted to arrest him. 

Among those who persecuted Jesus were not his audience in fact those were his protectors for in many instances the Pharisees and Scribes could not arrest Jesus because people regarded him as a prophet, a Messiah and so they could not attack him because they feared people to attack them. How have you and I defended Jesus, by proclaiming him as Lord, Christ, Messiah, Saviour everywhere even in areas of anti-Christ. Remember the people were barred from calling him Christ lest the die, but they continued calling him so. Let us therefore follow their example. We are also encouraged to withdraw inspiration from Jesus, in our words, and actions so that we leave our enemies with no exceptions but believing in us and what we say as the guards confessed "nobody has ever spoken like that"

Reflect today how you have been able to be touched by Jesus' word, or from a sermon, or a reflection like this. How have you integrated it in your life? On the other hand, how have you inspired people in your words, actions and way of life, that people will start saying he is a prophet, Holy, and a pure witness of Christ? This is giving good witness to God our Father in heaven and in Jesus Christ our Lord. This witness gives us Grace, an expensive Grace not a cheap one (with cheap grace there is a cross), and when we are aware of it we give authentic witness to God.

Let Us Pray

That today our righteousness and witness will surpass that of Pharisees and Scribes who see good things in a person and instead of judging him right they judge him wrongly. We pray for firm faith in Jesus that we will be able to accomplish our mission in this world. We also pray for the Deliverance from this pandemic attack of Corona Virus and that peace may reign again. We continue to observe our three pillars of Lent, prayer, fasting and alms Giving. Amen 

Wish you a blessed Lenten period

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