Monday, March 22, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: March 23, 2021, Tuesday of the Fifth Week of Lent, Year B

Numbers 21:4-9

Psalm 102: 1 -2.15,

John 8:21-30                                 Full Readings 

 Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo

 Power of the Cross

Brethren, today's readings also continue to point us to the Easter Triduum, showing us the reality of what is to happen to Jesus and above all showing us his consciousness of what is going to happen to him. The first Reading presents to us the situation which the Israelites faced in the desert when they spoke and sinned against God and he in turn sent serpents to bite them. It also shows the consequences but also the remedy of Sin. To the Israelites, sin was due to lack of trust in God who saved them from slavery and brought them out to freedom. They would not even conquer the temptation of food but lost patience in God. They spoke against him and thus sinned against him. The Lord sent fiery serpents to bite them because of what they have done. It's only when they recognized their sins, repented and returned to God that the Lord saved them by commanding Moses to make a bronze serpent that whoever was bitten by a snake and looked at it was healed. Could this be these challenging situations with us or not, that the only thing is to return to God in prayer and with a contrite heart so that he may hear our prayer and give us help.

Sometimes in our lives we forget easily what the Lord has done to us since our conception and we find that only one experience is enough for us to denounce him. We are always looking for miracles while not knowing that even the fact that we are still living is the greatest miracle, and that's why you see people moving from pastor to pastor and when all fails one ends up underworld in the name of looking for miracles or solutions to one’s problems. My brethren, when we are doing this we are losing trust in God, God who loves us so much and always wills us to be happy. The only thing we need is patience with him and above all trust, for God's time is not our time nor his ways our ways. 

The remedy of sin according to first Reading is God himself, it's only God who forgives sins and who is able to again save us from all the consequences of sin. However, this needs our initiative, that is, firstly recognising that we have sinned, secondly feeling remorse, thirdly promising not to do it again, fourthly asking for forgiveness, and lastly doing our penance. In this way God will see our efforts to eliminate sin in us and he will surely forgive us. As Moses interceded for Israelites, let each one of us today be an intercessor for his fellow, family, workmates and the whole world that the Lord will again show us his Mercy. Let us heed to his teachings and go for confession always.  For God loves us and is always waiting for us to come back. 

God loved us so much that he sent his only son that whoever believes in him will not die but have life everlasting (John 3:16) and as he raised the bronze serpent in the desert for Israelites that whoever looks at it will live, so shall the Son of man be raised to the cross that whoever believes in him will have life everlasting. This can be clearly depicted in the Gospel reading today. 

Jesus came to take away the sins of the world, and for those who refused to believe in him would in their sins as he told the Pharisees. Jesus is predicting his death as he says this to Pharisees. The time for Jesus is near when he will be crucified on the cross for us but unfortunately they could not understand what he was talking about. However, they will understand when they have lifted up the Son of Man and they will know it's He. Brethren, what aspects can we Reflect on in today's Gospel.


Firstly is that we are not alone. Jesus also declares that one who sent me has not left me alone for I always please him. Jesus had a mission to accomplish in the world, given to him by his father, and surely God remained with him until the end. Brethren we too have a mission, we must come to realize that the Father has sent us. We each have a mission in life. Do you realize that? Do you realize that you have a very specific mission and calling from God? Yes, it may entail very ordinary parts of life such as chores around the house, the daily grind of work, the building up of your family relationships, etc. Our daily lives are filled with ordinary activities that make up the will of God. The comforting news is that God does not just send us, He also remains with us. He has not left us alone to fulfill the mission He has entrusted to us. He has promised His continued help in a very central way.

Secondly is the power of the Cross. The lifting up of the bronze serpent on a wooden pole points to Jesus Christ being lifted up on the wooden cross at Calvary where he took our sins upon himself to make atonement to the Father on our behalf. The cross of Christ broke the curse of sin and death and won pardon, healing, and everlasting life for all who believe in Jesus, the Son of God and Savior of the world. That's why we venerate the cross as a sign of our salvation. Go under the cross and pray that God will hear your prayer.

Thirdly, is that we have to put all our efforts to understand why and what  Jesus taught and did and what he is still teaching and doing for us in our lives. If we don't come to this knowledge, we are on our way to sin,  to lose patience with him like the Israelites. The Pharisees seemed to miss the import of Christ’s words. “Who are you?” they asked. Living for the world, being of the world, belonging to the world truly blinds us to the presence of Christ in our lives. Faith in the great “I AM” raises us above worldly concerns and unveils the mysterious workings of Christ on our behalf. Lord, help us to believe. We have a duty to know that all the gifts we have, small or big, are from God, and therefore we should thank him always. Let us try to recognise him in each and every experiences of life and have hope that he will not abandon us in all circumstances if we believe in him.  


Let us Pray 

Lord Jesus, You pleased God the Father in all you did. You knew that everything the Father asked was born of love and had love as its purpose. I want to see your obedience to the commands of your Father as signs and expressions of his love for me. Help me, likewise, to obey you in all things. Amen

Blessed Lenten period

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