Monday, April 12, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: April 13, 2021, Tuesday of the Second Week of Easter, Year B

Acts 4: 32-37,

Psalm 93:1-2,5,

John 3 :7-15                          Full Reading

Saint Martin I

Being led by the Holy Spirit 

Brethren, today in the  Gospel we see a continuation of Jesus' discussion with Nicodemus about being born again in the spirit in relation to entering the Divine Mysteries of the kingdom of God. Nicodemus was the first one of the few Pharisees who ultimately converted, became a follower of Jesus, in addition to later converts of Saint Paul, Gamaliel and a few recorded in Acts 15:15. Nicodemus is considered a saint today and a patron of curiosity. He made a difference from other Pharisees of Jesus’ time, to come and seek guidance and teaching from Jesus (Is this why he came at night?). 

There is much we can learn from Nicodemus’ personality, for instance: not to always follow the crowd especially if we know what is being done is not right; Nicodemus made an individual effort to meet Jesus and seek the truth himself, he was amazed at Jesus’ words, teachings ad deeds, and saw that there was something divine with Jesus, which other Pharisees were blind to see because of their pride and oppressive tradition. Nicodemus was finally converted and we see him even at the cross, taking Jesus down for his burial. He became a disciple after funding out the truth. We are always invited to have an individual faith and conviction while also not forgetting a communal faith, for faith growths when shared.


However, Nicodemus could not really comprehend whatever Jesus was talking about. It is because of only one reason. He had no Spirit of God in his life, not born in a new Spirit which reveals the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven as we saw in yesterday's reflection. This also happens to us if we are not being led by the Holy Spirit in our lives; we shall always see everything as superstition, like the Eucharist, eternal life, word of God, Church teaching, divine mysteries and promises, communal life and all things concerning God. All these will have no place and effect in our lives if we are not led by the Spirit. 


Being led by the Spirit of God means allowing the Spirit of God which we received at our baptism and confirmation to take control of our lives to lead and guide us. This needs faith and strong belief in Jesus and the Father who sends us that spirit as well believing in the work performed by the Spirit in our lives. We might not comprehend the Spirit and even recognize its work in us physically but it's always at work when we allow it in our lives.


Jesus compares the Spirit as wind (original meaning in Greek) which blows where it pleases and nobody knows where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with the Holy Spirit in our lives.  Though we may not be able to tangibly perceive where the Holy Spirit comes from, we will be able to see the effects of the Spirit.  When we perceive a new strength within us, or an increase in virtues, or an ability to forgive, live communally, being able to help each other, receiving blessings and more of the works of the Spirit, we are aware of the fact that the Holy Spirit is present, leading us, transforming us and guiding us.


Additionally, we do not know where the wind goes once it passes.  So it is with the Holy Spirit.  If our lives are under the power and care of the Holy Spirit, we do not know where we will be led.  The Holy Spirit leads us in the moment but does not typically reveal our whole future. However, we are sure that God and his Spirit leads us to abundant life.  We must be content to be led by the daily gentle presence of God, allowing ourselves to be moved here and there.  This requires much trust and self abandonment and total surrender to the will of God in our lives. We are sure the Spirit of God will lead us to the right direction.


From today's first Reading the Spirit led the Apostles to live communally and none of the people would lack anything. In your community, even with your neighbors, is there anybody in need and you are in abundance but not helping them, are you the one who do not want to identify yourself with others within your community by living an individualistic life? Are you the one who doesn't care about the duties in the community and church? Are you the one who does things which don't build the community? Brethren if you are among, then you are not living by the Spirit of God and it requires a radical conversion.


It was the same Spirit which led Jesus up to the cross and even raised him up so that we, who believe, may have life in abundance. Is the spirit of God leading you to sacrifice for others so that all will be happy or you are living an egocentric life? 


Let us pray 

That we may open our hearts to receive that Spirit and be born anew so that we will be able to obtain the promises of the Kingdom of God and that the good work in us piloted by the Spirit continues to manifest itself by our lives. May we be blessed forever and ever. Amen. 

Blessed Easter season

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