Friday, April 2, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: April 3, 2021, Holy Saturday At the Easter Vigil in the Holy Night of Easter, Year B

Full Readings here                     See also Holy Saturday Reflection
Saint Benedict the African

He is Not here; He is Risen 


Brethren, Easter is here, let us celebrate, dance and rejoice that the Lord has risen from the dead,  that the stone which was rejected has become the cornerstone, that Jesus is alive and that has conquered sin and death.  This is what we call Easter, which begins on the time we sing Gloria in the Vigil mass today until Pentecost. It is the time to reap the fruits of what we have been fasting for, the  the labours, prayers and almsgiving which we have done throughout the forty days, it is the time to receive that light of Christ, and as we died to sin through our baptism, let us rise with him, with pure hearts, mind and bodies and walk in the light of the risen Christ forever.


Today's Vigil readings are many, perhaps it is to recount the History of Salvation, since Easter is the climax of salvation history. The Old Testament readings point out how the man and the whole world was created and then sinned through disobedience of God, presents the father of our faith Abraham, the miraculous liberation of Israelites from Egypt, the rebellious attitude of the people of Israel to God which resulted into exile, God's everlasting covenant with them, how the Israelites are to follow the covenant in wisdom, their fall and how God will give them a clean heart and save them.


The New Testament readings present Jesus as the saviour who came to redeem the world and fulfil the everlasting covenant between God and his people. He preached all over the villages of Galilee and went up to Jerusalem, did miracles,  but was arrested, crucified, died, buried and today he lives again as a risen and glorious Christ. He has won the battle, and so there is no need for more sadness, but rejoicing in our Lord Jesus Christ, the risen one. 


We therefore have to receive this new light of Easter that it should find a place in our hearts and make us the lights of the world. May this light of Easter be for us a new beginning, an end of our problems and crises, and give us all of our hearts desires as we place our trust in the risen Christ. 


Let us Pray

I thank You Lord my risen Jesus for having suffered, crucified, died  and buried all because of my sis. Now you live again in glory, help me to always move in the light of Easter. Amen. 


Happy Easter 

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