Monday, May 3, 2021

Daily Catholic Reflection: May 4, 2021, Tuesday of Fifth Week of Easter, Year B

Acts 14: 19-28,

Psalm  145:10-11. 12-13ab.21,

John 14:27-31a                                Full Readings

Blessed Michael Giedroyc

The Peace of Christ

Brethren, for a couple of days, we have been reflecting on the Gospel readings from the Last Supper. These are Christ’s parting words to his disciples. Today, he gives them not only his words but his peace. His peace will remain with them and carry them through the storm of his Passion and death to his Resurrection. We all yearn for this true peace, and Christ gives it to us as a free gift. So why are our hearts still troubled when we believe that his peace is with us? It could be because we have a worldly understanding of peace. The world says that peace will happen when everything around us is perfect, when we are not suffering, when there is no war in our world, in our homes, or in our hearts. This will not happen until we reach heaven, but Jesus promises us peace now. The peace that the world cannot give is internal, not external. It lives within each of us when we recognize God’s presence there.


Brethren, the nature of peace that Jesus gives is different from our world understanding of peace. Popularly we understand peace as absence of war, absence of suffering, and getting whatever one needs. But the peace of Christ is far better than this, it is the peace that brings tranquility of heart, the peace that gives us strength and courage to face our daily challenges and the peace that helps us to attain the highest good which is God Himself. The peace of Jesus is both internal (within one's heart) and external peace(outside peace). This is the true peace; peace of the world deceives us. 


Jesus is aware of world peace, peace which deceives, it comes from the ruler of this world: Satan but Christ conquers it. Satan is always aiming at destroying the peace Christ gives and our relationship with God. It deceives us with appealing things, things that are very sweet, attractive, big promises, convincing and glittering. We can easily be attracted to these things easily and also easily get them.  However at long last, they just give us short term peace, living in pretense, peace which is external not internal. Brethren, not all those who are rich, secure, not in any conflict, having good family and all good things one can think, are happy especially when they are without Christ. They are happy outside but the peace of heart which Christ gives is lacking. To be peaceful both internally and externally we need Christ.


It's our choice now to choose which peace we want to pursue, the peace of Christ or peace that the world gives. If we want the peace that Christ gives, we have to let the Holy Spirit lead our lives and open our hearts and minds to receive that peace. The peace of Christ will lead us through all the sufferings, challenges, and troubles and leaves our hearts untroubled. It is the peace from which the Apostles Paul and Barabbas withdrew strength to continue the mission to the pagans despite all persecution and challenges as we see in the first Reading.


Reflect today on where you get your peace, do you have both external and internal peace? And then  pray for the Graces we need to receive that peace that Christ gives. 


Let us pray

Jesus, you are my peace, the true peace the world cannot give. Place your peace deep into my heart and let it reign there, covering all that I do in binding it together in perfect harmony (cf. Colossians 3:14-15). When I am grieving, please remind me of the peace you have given me. Help me be a bearer of your peace into the world. Let me be an instrument of your peace at all times. When I am afraid, help me to trust in you. When I am confused, give me your clarity. When I am anxious, help me to have a childlike trust in the Father’s providence for me. Amen 


Be blessed forever and Happy Easter

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