Sunday, February 27, 2022

daily Catholic Reflection: Monday 28, 2022, Monday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time, Year C

1 Pt 1:3-9

Psalm 111:1-2, 5-6, 9 and 10c

Mk 10:17-27                         Full Readings

Blessed Daniel Brottier

Sell Everything and Follow me

Brethren, Jesus today is stressing the danger of possessions for everyone of us who strive to enter through the narrow gate into heaven of eternal life. It is a curious fact that for many people, the more they have, the more they want and most probably the more stingy they become because they want everything for themselves. Conversely, the less people have, the more generous they are, knowing the value to other needy people of the little they have. But this, does not merely mean that we need to be free of the pre-occupations and distractions of wealth. Wealth can be a good pre-occupation if the worry comes from awareness of the responsibility it brings. But making it our only sole treasure, that is, allowing it to take possession of our hearts is what Jesus warns us against: ‘How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God!...It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.’

Jesus is not opposed to wealth per se, nor is he opposed to the wealthy. In fact, he had many friends who were well-to-do, including some notorious tax collectors! One even became an apostle! But he is very well aware of how is becomes dangerous to his people making them eternal life. That's is why today he makes use of the story of a young rich man, who had followed all the laws, and who came to him asking of what he can do to earn eternal life. Jesus answers him to go and sell everything, give the money to the poor and then follow him. The reaction of the young man did not show that he was happy with Jesus' reply. Two things we can learn from this story.

Firstly, we see what really lacked in this man's life after doing all the things well. He lacks love and charity in his heart. He has observed all laws but still his heart belongs love belongs to something else, not necessarily to Jesus. It belongs and is possessed by his wealth. How many rich men and women are like this? Many of us, but Jesus challenges us of this attitude today not to lose our hearts to wealth and fail to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Being a rich is, in fact, the best opportunity to gain eternal life because you will also be rich in love and charity, the only virtues which will determine our fate at the end of time. The only challenge comes when the rich who are filled with many material things become tempted not to see their deep need for a savior. Confident in their own superiority, they dismiss their own sin, rationalizing whatever behavior brings them pleasure. Replete with satisfaction in the things of this world, they ignore thoughts of eternity. But brethren, let us not be taken by these worldly pleasures as Jesus warns us with a 'woe.' Since we know that this life, however beautiful and precious, is not the endgame, we should stay focused on that time when “every tear will be wiped away” (Revelation 21:4). Remember, “Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal” (St. Thomas More).

Secondly, Jesus teaches us that it is not only enough to follow rules that will enable us enter eternal life, even as he teaches us in another gospel passage that not everyone who says Lord Lord will enter eternal life. What makes us enter eternal life is going beyond the laws and putting them in practice in love and charity. Charity must be the way of life of every Christian. The Scriptures give us a paradox: we lose what we keep and we gain what we give away. Generosity will be amply repaid, both in this life and in eternity (Proverbs 3:9-10, Luke 6:38). At the end of time, we shall not be asked how many laws we followed but how we were able to clothe the naked, give food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless, and help the needy in all aspects. Can this sink in our minds always?

Therefore brethren, go and sell everything, give to the poor follow Jesus. Selling all that we have could mean many different things - letting go of attachments, friendships, influences, jobs, entertainments, styles of life - really anything that might stand in the way of our loving God first and foremost in our lives and giving him the best we can with our time, resources, gifts, and service.

Let us Pray
Lord Jesus, by your grace, strengthen me and give me courage always to sell and detach from everything that comes in my way to follow you and to love and do charity to my fellow people. Amen

Be blessed

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