Thursday, April 21, 2022

Daily Catholic Reflection: Friday, April 22, 2022, Friday in the Octave of Easter, Year C

Acts 4:1-12,

Ps 118:1-2 and 4.22-24.25-27ab,

John 21: 1-14)                                  Full Readings

Adalbert of Prague

Casting into the deep

Brethren, today Jesus appears to the Apostles again, at Lake Tiberias, which is called the Sea of Galilee. We remember the significance of this sea in  Jesus' mission. It is where he called his first disciples and did many miracles around there and it was where his ministry started from.  The disciples had gone back for fishing and could not get anything the whole night. Jesus then orders them to cast into the deep for a big catch. What an amazing catch! This Gospel has a fundamental message which Jesus gives to his disciples and to all of us.


Jesus showed Peter and his fellows that they are not meant to fish the fish but the souls of people for God and therefore Jesus wanted to show them that there should not be any going back to old ways, though we know the disciples had lost hope and were discouraged by Jesus' death. They went back to their old ways of fishing but could not work out, for whoever places his hands on the ploughshare should not look behind for he is not fit for the kingdom of God (Luke 9:62). Fishing fish is no longer meant for them but a ministry higher than this. 

This is probably why St Jerome interpreted the number 153 involved in this miracle as representing all the species of fish. He then stated its meaning is that there was enough room within the church for all the "races" of man. Augustine also believed that this fish miracle represented all kinds of men being saved by the gospel "net." This shows that the Apostles would now become fishers of all people, not only in Jerusalem but throughout all the corners of the earth, so that everyone will come to believe in the name of Jesus Christ through repentance and believing the gospel

Most times we have been tempted and have gone back to our old ways of life even after we had seen the light, for instance our separated brethren and fallen ones from the church. Going back is denying that light, it's burying ourselves again in sin, as we had resurrected with him at our baptism, and it is distancing ourselves from our Saviour. Today let us examine ourselves on how we have fallen back, and ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit to rise again and walk in the light again. 

When Jesus told them, cast into the other side of the boat, i.e, to cast into the deep, and there was a big catch, he showed them a perfect example for fishing the souls of people. With this sign they recognized him and he had even prepared for them breakfast.  Jesus still cares for his disciples. Though they had gone back to their old lives, he understands them and knows they are hungry, but on the other hand, he wants to show them that there is a more mission beyond that.


This is the mission of fishing souls for the Lord by preaching repentance and salvation through his name as we saw in the gospel yesterday. The big catch was to show them how they should cast into the deep in evangelising the world as the witnesses of the resurrection and the first receivers of the Holy Spirit. This is not only a mission for disciples but also for us. Jesus sends to evangelise the world in our deeds and words, to cast our lives into the deep ends of the world to win people for the Lord. He doesn't want us to step back but to continue that mission entrusted to us. 


This mission is not all that easy, we will be abandoned, rejected even arrested like Peter and John in the first Reading, but we don't need to quit nor to go back but we to continue preaching that only through Jesus' name can we be saved, because he has given us the spirit and by that Spirit we shall indeed accomplish our mission. 


Reflect today on how you have embarked on your mission in your life, are there moments you have felt like giving up, like abandoning the mission and going back to the old ways. This would be at work, in your marriage, in your celibacy, in raising your children, serving the church and in all responsibilities entrusted to you. Pray to God that as we celebrate this Easter his light and Spirit may pilot us to do his will in our lives. As we are witnesses to the resurrection let us go proclaiming the risen Christ who is among us and give people hope not to be afraid of any situation for Jesus, the risen Lord, is among us. May the Lord help us as we place all our trust in him.

Let us Pray

Lord Jesus, help me to sincerely listen and follow the direction You give me as I participate in your saving mission, for I know that where you guide me is where you want me to cast into the deep and make known your Gospel to all the people. Use me, dear Lord, to save many souls for Your Kingdom. Amen

Blessed Easter

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