Thursday, June 2, 2022

Daily Catholic Reflection: Friday, June 3, 2022, Memorial of Saint Charles Lwanga and companions, Martyrs

Acts 25: 13-21,

Psalm  103:1-2.11-12.19-20,

John 21: 15-19 Full Readings

Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions

See the Reflection Proper to the Memorial

Do You Love Me?

For a couple of days we have been reflecting on Jesus' High Priestly Prayer (John 17) and today the Gospel presents a conversation between Jesus and Peter with a fundamental question "Simon of John, Do you Love Me?...Feed my Sheep." After rising Jesus took a good time to prepare His Apostles for a mission without Him physically, and when it was done he prayed for them in His Priestly Prayer and today, before the Spirit comes, he tells Peter which mission is to be undertaken: feeding the flock of Christ. This was to prepare him for being the Head of the Church which started at Pentecost.

This reading is used as one of the last two gospel readings before Pentecost and of course on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul during vigil mass. It looks ahead to the coming of the Spirit of the Church and, beyond that, to the future situation of the Church rooted in Jesus’ promise to Peter. Peter was given heavenly keys, which symbolises Papal Authority and those keys are always seen at Papal Coat of Arms.  

Jesus asks Peter, "Do you Love me" three times. What's the significance of this? First Peter must ask and receive forgiveness for his lapse, his triple denial during Jesus' passion. Peter was upset but it was a necessary way of undoing his triple denial; this time in a humble way. We remember Peter boasting in passion narrative: "Though they all fall away because of you, I will never fall away" (Matthew 26:33). Peter now makes no boast or comparison but humbly responds: "You know that I love you." Christ rose again in the flesh, and Peter rose in the spirit because, when Christ died in his passion, Peter died by his denial. Christ the Lord was raised from the dead, and out of his love he raised Peter by asking him, Do you Love Me question three times. 

Secondly, three is a number of Perfection and usually refer to God alone. We often say Holy, Holy, Holy, to refer to God as the most Holiest and even we speak of the Holy Trinity. By Peter being given the opportunity to tell Jesus three times that He loved Him it was an opportunity for Peter to express His love in the deepest way, a perfect love for Jesus. This is the love we are too called to show to our Lord Jesus. Always Jesus asks us, in word or deed, if we love him more than anyone else and this too should always be our deepest answer to Jesus to show our deepest love for Jesus “Lord, You know everything, You know that I love You!” 

Peter's expression of deep love for Jesus came with a mission which was to feed His sheep, also an invitation to be a good shepherd in the footsteps of Jesus. This mission is born out of the triple challenge and triple commission from the Risen Lord and confirms the service which Peter is to perform in the Church as a head. However, it's not a comfortable one; its form makes it clear that it is a demanding service of love and care, not a comfortable dominance of rank and authority. Peter is left in no doubt that, like his Master’s, his witness will cost him his life. Are we ready to give up our life for the mission of Jesus?

Just as it was clear that if Simon Peter was to follow the path down which he was being invited, witnessing boldly and courageously to the Gospel preached by Jesus, martyrdom would be his reward, we too should be ready to receive with love and whole heartedly what comes to us as we witness the Gospel of Christ. In today’s liturgy, we memorialize St. Charles Lwanga and his companions. Charles spoke out against the debauchery of a late-nineteenth-century leader of Uganda named Mwanga, and fearlessly resisted Mwanga’s sexual demands of young boys in his court. For their bravery, St. Charles and his similarly bold “pages” suffered their earthly fates of being burned alive, but earned their heavenly reward of eternal communion with the Holy Trinity and all of the angels and the saints. Lord, I want to be “in that number.” Grant me the grace to preach and live your Gospel messages of repentance and mercy, especially when tempted to conform to this world instead.

Brethren, the triple question of Jesus to Peter "Do you Love me" is also posed to us today. Our invitation is to respond wholly and deeply from our hearts that "Lord You Know I Love You" and if we love the Lord, let us then do His will. Are ready to withstand and persevere in persecution just as the Uganda Martyrs did even up to giving up their lives for the sake of the Gospel. Let us ask their intercession to have the same boldness as they had so that one day we also meet them their in heaven. Continue to reflect today on your love for Jesus. How deep is it? How do you show that you love Jesus? And then ask for the grace to always say Lord You Know I Love You.

Let us pray
O Lord Jesus, who wonderfully strengthened the Holy Martyrs of Uganda, Charles Lwanga, Mathias Mulumba and their Companions; and gave them to us as exemplars of Faith, Fortitude, Chastity, Charity and fidelity, grant, we beseech You, that by their intercession the same Virtues may increase in us; and that we may deserve to become propagators of your Faith. You who live and reign world without end. Amen.

Be blessed and don't forget to pray the Novena to the Holy Spirit

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