Sunday, July 10, 2022

Daily Catholic Reflection: Monday, July 11, 2022, Memorial of Saint Benedict, Abbot, Year C

Isaiah 1:10- 17,

Ps 50:8-9.16bc-17.21,

Matthew 10:34-11:1 Full Readings

 Peace or Sword?

The Gospel today presents a collection of sayings of Jesus about the mission of the Christian apostolate and  Matthew puts a whole series of daunting challenges. First comes a trio of sayings to show the absolute priority of Christ’s claims, over the closest family ties, over life and finally over possession of one’s own self. Then comes a quartet of promises of rewards to those who welcome Christ’s messengers. These sayings of Jesus remind us and make known to us the challenges involved in being a Christian not to take up Christianity without serious forethought for there is no such thing as non-apostolic Christianity, but by becoming Christians we take on a share in Christ’s own task of spreading the Good News. The challenge is great but the reward is certain.

When Jesus says He did not come to bring peace but sword and division, what did he really mean? Firstly, He was referring to the deeper meaning of these words. Jesus Himself is the Gospel and the Gospel is the truth. Whoever accepts Jesus has accepted the Gospel and thus the truth. And when we stand for the truth, we risk being hated and even  separated from our loved ones because the world of today, doesn't need to listen to the truth. This is what Jesus meant. Brethren, it is worth to be separated from others even our family members if we are standing for truth but it is a shame to us when it is sin that has to separate us.

When Jesus says, whoever loved his or her father or mother or sister or brother or any other family members than Him, is not fit for Him, he doesn't mean that we should hate our family members in the name of serving God. That's an extreme misunderstanding, in fact God wants us to love them even more because God Himself is love. Timothy tells us: "But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever" (1 Tim. 5:8). What Jesus means is that our priority should be the mission of God, the love of God and then loving others will follow. It is right and just to let any family member or relative or friend to go into your way of serving God.

This is because, as St Paul tells us in Romans 6:3-4.8-11, we were baptised into Christ’s death and so that we are joined to him and will be transformed by his resurrection. Our life is now Christ’s life, though not yet transformed like his. By my baptism into Christ’s death, his death becomes mine. Christ’s story becomes my story. Christ’s strength becomes my strength. Christ’s body becomes my body. Christ’s risen life becomes my risen life. Therefore if Christ put God's mission at the forefront, then we who are baptised in his death, ought to follow what he did. 

Secondly, the "sword" which Jesus speaks of here is not a physical weapon that cuts people down, but a spiritual weapon that cuts through the inner core of our being to expose the corruption of sinful thoughts and intentions as well as the lies and deception of Satan and his kingdom of darkness. And indeed such type of sword will cut through and until all the evil thoughts and acts are cut off from us, there will be no perfect peace; just like when the cancer is cut away, the physician preserves the healthy tissue of the body.

Scripture describes God's word as a sharp two-edged sword that "pierces to the division of soul and spirit... discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart" (Hebrews 4:12, Revelations 19:15). Scripture also describes "God's word" as the "sword of the Spirit" which has power to destroy every spiritual stronghold that keep people in bondage to sin, deception, and Satan (Ephesians 6:17). Jesus came to rescue us from slavery to sin and to set us free to live as citizens of God's kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17).

Reflect on today rich teachings and demands of Jesus as we follow him. Specifically how does the statement of Jesus that he did not come to bring peace on earth but the sword and even division makes sense to you and how you have been to realise this in your service of God. Are there sometimes that you are not be encouraged by these words when you meet rejection even from your closest family? Or are you letting anything step in your way of serving God? Pray for strength and courage to always imitate Jesus who fulfilled his mission despite all he went through. 

Let us Pray.
Lord, no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has conceived the things you have prepared for those who love you. Set us ablaze with the fire of the Holy Spirit, that we may love you in and above all things and so receive the rewards you have promised us through Christ our Lord. Amen 

Be blessed 

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