Friday, July 8, 2022

Daily catholic Reflection: Saturday, July 9, 2022, Saturday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year C

Isaiah 6: 1-8,

Psalm 93:1AB, 1CD-2, 5

Matthew 10:24-33  Full Readings

Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions

 Proclaiming the Gospel in face of Hostility 

Today we come to the final section of the Mission Discourse which gives us assurance of divine protection in the face of hostility and persecution while in mission. Jesus himself was fearless in proclaiming his message. He ‘taught with authority’, as the gospel constantly tells us. His disciples are sent out to do the same and  to fear nothing but only God who is the overall. Jesus invites us : "Don't be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul, fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul in hell," thus inviting us to be bold and face all the challenges including those who threaten to kill us because of spreading the word of God.
Oftentimes we also experience fear, discouragement and disapproval from people we are proclaiming, from difficult situations and ups and downs of life. Jesus tells us that there is no need to give in to that fear, and any other difficulties because we are being watched and cared for by our Heavenly Father. There is nothing that happens to us that goes unnoticed by Him, even the hairs on our heads are counted; everything that happens to us is taken seriously by God.
We are therefore to fear God alone. Fear not in the ordinary understanding but a Godly fear. Godly is that reverence for the One who made us in love and who sustains us in mercy and kindness. The greatest injury or loss which we can experience is not physical but spiritual, the loss of one's soul to the power of hell (Matthew 10:28). A healthy fear (godly respect) and reverence for God leads to spiritual maturity, wisdom, and right judgment and it frees us from the tyranny of sinful pride, cowardice - especially in the face of evil, and spiritual deception and always strengthens us in mission.
Jesus made us his ambassadors to proclaim the Gospel to all the world, what we have heard in darkness to proclaim it in light and what we heard in whispering to proclaim it on the housetops. An ambassador cannot be ashamed of his country and it should be the same to us. We should not be ashamed of proclaiming Christ in any circumstances. If we become ashamed of Christ or by any reason deny in front of people in this world, He will also deny us in front of God and that means we lose eternal life to hell. Despite the insults, intimidation, discouragements and threats, let us continue to witness Christ, not only in the way we live but also through our words and actions, with trust that the Lord is at our side.
Reflect today on how bold and courageous you are as a Christian to proclaim the Good news in all situations. In which ways is Jesus inviting you to witness Him? Do you understand how worthy you are in the eyes of God? Don't take yourself for granted, you have a mission and an invitation today is that you fulfill it without Andy reservations. 
Let us pray 
Lord Jesus, it is my joy and privilege to be your disciple. Give me strength and courage to bear any hardship and suffering which may come my way in serving you and obeying your will. May I witness to others the joy of the Gospel - the good news of your kingdom of peace, joy, and righteousness. Amen

Be blessed.

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