Friday, July 29, 2022

Daily Catholic Reflection: Saturday, July 30, 2022, Saturday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year C

Jeremiah 26:11-16.24,

Psalm 69: 15- 16.30-31.33-34,

Matthew 14:1-12 Full Readings

Blessed Solanus Casey

 Courageous Witness to the Truth

Today's readings present to us challenges involved in witnessing to the truth and carrying out the mission of God. These challenges include even being put to death as we see John Baptist being beheaded in the Gospel due to the hatred of Herodias. This was because John had refused Herod to take Herodias as his wife because she was the wife of his brother. John Baptist's head was cut off because of standing for the truth.
The same trial is seen in the first Reading as Jeremiah is being tried to be put to death because of a serious warning and prophecy which God had told him to say to the people of Israel. However, God protected him from this trial and his life was saved. This was because he was so faithful to God and carried out his mission with courage. 

These readings are an invitation to us to be courageous in standing for the truth as Christians even up to giving up our lives for we believe when we do that we shall earn for ourselves eternal life. This courage cannot be by our own making but by the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our lives. If we allow the Spirit to lead our lives, we shall indeed stand courageously for the truth.   

It is the same Spirit who will help us make sound decisions with conscience and clarity of mind. Herod lacked conscience of mind and made stupid decision of beheading John Baptist in the name of he had sworn an oath. Let us not at any moment be like Herod. How often do you make decisions out of anger, or too much happiness or in a state of psychological trauma? We should always try to avoid making decisions in such moments because they might be very dangerous both for us and others. 

Reflect today on your courage to stand for the truth. How do you make your decisions, are they from the promptings of the Spirit or your own will? Pray that nothing will be in your way to stand for the truth. 

Let us pray. 
Yours O Lord is righteousness and truth, help me by your grace to always stand for truth even in times of persecution. Amen.

Be blessed.

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