Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Daily Catholic Reflection: Thursday, July 7, 2022, Thursday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year C

Hosea 11: 1 - 4.8c-9,
Psalm 80:2ac, and 3b, 15-16
Matthew 10:7 - 15 Full Readings

 Look For A Worthy Person

After choosing the twelve, he sent them on mission as we saw yesterday, and them today he gives them the mission instructions of which one of them is: "Whatever town or village you enter, look for a worthy person in it, and stay there until you leave." Who is this worthy person that Jesus is telling his disciples to look for as they are sent to mission by Jesus? This person is the one who is generous enough to accept and believe in the Good News of Jesus Christ and is also ready to accept the Gospel messengers that Jesus sends to us everyday and in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, help them in any way possible to proclaim the Gospel, that the Kingdom of God is near at hand. Such a person will receive the peace of Christ in his or her heart together with his or her family, the peace of mind, heart and body, and that peace will remain with such a person forever.
You and me can be that “worthy person” by opening our hearts and homes to missionaries, our parish priests, charitable groups, bible studies, etc. By this hospitality, we support the works of the Spirit in our neighborhood and community. Furthermore, we can be hospitable, in the fullest sense, to those who do the Lord’s work, by contributing our own time, talent, finances and treasure, as well as by prayer and sacrifice. Jesus knows that there are those worthy persons who will welcome his messengers and that is why he tells his disciples to carry nothing for the journey for the labourer deserves his wages. Jesus calls us today to be that "worthy person," do not think of any other; it is you and me. How often do you help and welcome the Gospel heralds who come to you always by providing for them out of love? Or do you chase them away? Remember where there is a worthy person, there is also the unworthy one.
On the other hand because of the stubbornness of our hearts, we can be tempted to become the unworthy person? Are they not many in our world today? The unworthy persons according to todays Gospel are those who will not receive nor listen to your words the gospel messengers, will reject them, chase them away out of their houses and provide them with nothing. Jesus tells his disciples what they should do when such happens: "go outside that house or town and shake the dust from your feet...(but on the last day) it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.” The Scriptures speak often of “hardness of heart.” Some individuals are simply not open or ready to receive the Good News. We meet them where they are, love them, serve them, and still they reject us. When that happens, we must leave them, at least for a while, and pray and fast for their total restoration by grace. Those who will not heed, they will have condemned themselves and nothing will be on our head because of them because we have done our part.
Reflect today on your attitude towards the Gospel heralds? How ready are you to welcome the word of God which they preach to you and allow it effect your life? In what ways are you helping the Gospel proclaimers in their work? The Lord invites you and me to take part.
Let us Pray
Lord Jesus, help me always to delight in spreading your Word through helping those you have you sent in your name in any way I can. And may the joy and truth of the Gospel transform my life that I may witness it to those around me. Grant that I may spread your truth and your light wherever I go. Amen
Be blessed 

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