Saturday, August 6, 2022

Daily Catholic Reflection: August 7, 2022, Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Wisdom 18:6-9; 
Psalm 33:1,12,18-20,22; 
Hebrews 11:1-2,8-19; 
Luke 12:32-48.              Full Readings 

Do not be Afraid, Little Flock
What consoling words these are! Firstly, Jesus tells us not to be afraid. Why? Because God has had much love for us that and given us his Kingdom, that whoever believes and follows his son Jesus will live in this kingdom. What are we then to do?

The first two readings give us a clue. We are to have Faith that never wavers. The reading from the book of Wisdom recalls the Exodus, nurturing hope in God’s promise. Through remembrance of God’s saving plan, the Jewish people’s sense of identity as a Chosen People was reaffirmed and reinforced. We are invited to engage with salvation history as an integral part of our own story, allowing it to affirm our identity as beloved and saved children of God. This should lead us to grow in faith in God more and more everyday. The reading from the book of Hebrews recalls the faith of our ancestors who received the reward of blessing through an exodus from slavery. It recalls Abraham’s unshakeable faith and hope in God’s promise. We stand in a long line of witnesses of God’s faithful promise. This is what faith does. There is no need to be afraid with faith like the one of Abraham for we are already living in the kingdom of God. 

Another thing we are to do is as Jesus tells us to keep our treasures in heaven where nothing even death can destroy them. Jesus tells his followers to not be fearful or anxious about their present lives and future security (Luke 12:32). He urges them to sell their possessions and to give their money to those who need it most - especially those who have nothing to provide for their present needs and welfare (Luke 12:33). This seems to go against our natural instinct to hoard and save for the future. Why would anyone want to sell their possessions and give away their money - unless they wanted to exchange these goods for something far more precious and of greater value than all the money and possessions they could ever hope to acquire in this present life.

Jesus warns that money and possessions will not last and can be taken away at any moment by a thief or by death itself. But there is one treasure which can never be lost or destroyed because it is kept secure by God himself. What is that treasure? It is the Lord himself and his kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17). This treasure is worth far more than anything we could possibly acquire on our own. If you make the Lord your treasure, then you will have in your possession the greatest source of joy and lasting peace and security. The wisdom of Scripture tells us, If the Almighty is your gold and your precious silver, then you will delight yourself in the Almighty, and will turn your face toward God (Job 22:25-26). Do you know the joy and happiness of making God your one and only true treasure and security?

Secondly, Jesus calls us his little flock, an endearment word which reveals our Lord’s gentle and compassionate heart and shows us that we are his, the people of his flock. It reveals not only that we belong to Jesus, it also reveals how His love for us is intimate and heartfelt.  If we understand this love of His we will be compelled to love Him back with the same depth of intimacy. Why should we be afraid if we belong to Jesus?

Reflect today on the consoling words of Jesus, "Do not be afraid." Are there moments and situations where you need to hear these words? Come to him and he will give you strength to pass through everything. Let these words make meaning to you today and make you know that God will never leave you alone in all what you do.

Let us Pray
Lord Jesus, your words today today speak to my heart. May I always find consolation in you and everyday make myself worthy of living in your kingdom. Amen

Be blessed

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