Thursday, September 15, 2022

Daily catholic Reflection: Friday, September 16, 2022, Memorial of Saints Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs

1Corinthians 15:12-20.
Psalm 17:1.6-7.8.
Luke 8:1-3                Full Readings

Saint Cornelius, Pope ,  and Cyprian, Bishop

Women in Mission

Today's Gospel presents to us the role played by women in the mission of Jesus Christ. We see many women including Mary Magdalene from whom Jesus has chased out seven demons, Joanna, wife of Herod's steward Chuza, Susanna and many others following Jesus. What is interesting to note is that these women not only were following Jesus as true disciples, but they were also providing for him and His Apostles. We credit them their discipleship and generosity.

Brethren, women play a very important role in the mission of the church. For a long time even during the time of Jesus women were taken as the lowly, whose work was only in the kitchen and without a say in serious matters. Surprisingly, we see that in Jesus' time, women played an important role in following Jesus, showing him love and witnessing to his teachings without any fear. Jesus overturned all the prejudices around women and made women become important people.

What could it have been about Jesus, an itinerant preacher that encouraged women to break free of societal limitations and join him? In his Letter to Women, St. John Paul II explained, “Transcending the established norms of his own culture, Jesus treated women with openness, respect, acceptance, and tenderness. In this way, he honored the dignity which women have always possessed according to God's plan and in his love.” The Good News of the Kingdom of God proclaims every person possesses dignity given by God in love. The bad news is many people do not know this. As disciples of Christ, may we be ambassadors of this Good News to our world just as women in did. For instance:

The resurrection which gave and still gives meaning to our Christian faith, without which our faith is nothing or empty, and which Paul is emphasizing on in the first Reading, was first proclaimed by Mary Magdalene while the Apostles were in fear and closed in the room in Jerusalem. Imagine such courage and apostleship and above all the deep love for Jesus, Mary Magdalene showed. In fact, she is called the Apostle to the Apostles. Women, are you able to imitate Mary Magdalene in the Mission of the church?

The other aspect in the gospel is that the women who were following Jesus had been cured of demons and other infirmities. Following Jesus and showing him love was a sign of gratitude but also a transformation from old ways of sin to the way of light. How grateful are we when Jesus showers us with blessings of every kind? How do we show our gratitude to God for all the blessings? Jesus is no longer here physically as it is in the Gospel and so our visible acts of gratitude to God is through loving and serving our neighbors and also helping in the mission of Jesus. How do you participate in the mission of Jesus entrusted to the church?

The generosity of the women also gives us an important lesson today, that is, of reaching out to help the ministers of the church, right from the Pope to the catechists and every gospel heralds. However, this generosity is not tied up only to the ministers but to all our neighbors in need. Women are mostly credited in such generosity because of their motherly love, and so the generosity of the women in the gospel should inspire more women but also men to take part in Jesus Mission by being generous. How generous are you in helping the Gospel heralds? Today make a resolution to help at least one. Remember you are not just helping the person but Jesus himself and as well participating in His mission.

Let us pray
Lord Jesus, we thank you for the gift of women in your church, for their devotion, apostleship and generosity. We pray that you bless them in whatever they do and give them zeal and desire to participate in your mission always. Amen

Be blessed.

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