Sunday, September 11, 2022

Daily catholic Reflection: Monday, September 12, 2022, Monday of the Twenty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time, Year C

1 Cor 11:17-26, 33

Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 17

Lk 7:1-10                          Full Readings

Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Lord, I am not Worthy

When we pray, "Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof but only say a word and my soul shall be healed," in every mass before receiving Holy Communion, do we understand where these words really come from and what they really mean? Or we just pray for sake and routine? These words are expressed by a centurion in the gospels as he pleaded Jesus to heal his servant who was seriously sick. But since the centurion that he was a sinful man, he felt unworthy of receiving a holy man like Jesus, "Lord, do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof. Therefore, I did not consider myself worthy to come to you; but say the word and let my servant be healed." Self-knowledge is always the beginning of spiritual growth, personal growth and a big reason to continue living. Also, this statement only shows the unworthiness of the centurion for Jesus' mercy but also a strong sense of humility and faith. The high sense of humility of this statement has won it a place in the mass in our prayer of humility immediately before communion. When you pray this prayer, do pray it consciously with the humility and faith hidden it or just for sake? The centurion sets for us a perfect example to emulate in the following ways:

In everything we do, and if we want to grow in our spiritual life always, humility is a sure way to follow. Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD) notes that the centurion regarded himself as unworthy to receive the Lord into his house: "Humility was the door through which the Lord entered to take full possession of one whom he already possessed." Most times we think that humility is for the weak, but this is not the case. We have to be humble before God whether we are honorable people, or a person with authority, or an elder, or the young and everyone. Recognizing that we are human beings, and that we sometimes make mistakes and that we need to kneel before God and say that we are not worthy even to reach this day, is an act of inner strength which brings us healing and strengthens our relationship with God. Otherwise, if we remain with our pride, we are going to lose the kingdom of God and will not experience the love, mercy, kindness and all the gifts that God gives his children always.

Secondly, we all have no right to God's grace and mercy. Too often in our life of prayer we pray as if we have a right to God’s grace and even sometimes blame God for not doing the way we wanted. Little we do we know that even the mere fact of talking to God like that is already underserved act of mercy which God has given to us.  This is a profound mistake. We must seek to follow this centurion’s example by understanding that we do not have a right to anything from our Lord.  This humble acknowledgment is the necessary foundation for the reception of the abundant mercy of God. Mercy is a gift, not a right.  But the good news is that God’s heart burns with a desire to pour forth that gift and the key to unleash that mercy in our lives is easy: a contrite and a humble heart. May we all pray to become like this centurion. We may not think to be sinful as a centurion, a person in authority was, but we do many unholy things of which do not merge with God. Let us imitate this centurion.

Our invitation today, is to put our trust in Jesus who can do all things by His power of the Word. The centurion knew that even if Jesus goes to his house or not, He will heal his servant by a mere word if Jesus wills. This is great trust the centurion had in Jesus. This great trust should be an inspiration for us Christians, to put more trust in Jesus than we put to any other. It is this trust that will make us have the faith that moves mountains which in Jesus' name we shall perform the same works he performed. 

Reflect today on the humility, trust and faith of the centurion. Can someone say to you: 'In the whole of your place, he has never seen a person of faith like you? Can you be able to pray a prayer of the centurion with the same faith, humility and trust? Pray for the gift of the Holy Spirit to guide you as you examine yourself.

Let us Pray

Lord, I am really not worthy for everything you have done in my life; it is only by your grace. I thank you for always coming to me though I am not worthy. May you always guide me as I strive to make myself worthy before you my God and King. Amen. 

Be blessed

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