Sunday, October 9, 2022

Daily catholic Reflection: Monday, October 10, 2022, Monday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time, Year C


Psalm 113: 1b-2.3-4.5a and 6-7,

Luke 11:29-32                  Full Readings

Saint Francis Borgia

Seeking or Receiving Signs from God

Always and always, most Christians are seeking signs from God, moving from one Christian denomination to another, from one pastor to another, from one church to another and even from one country to another seeking for a sign.  Infact, this seems that it is becoming the order of the day. But do we know that this is wrong? In today's gospel reading, Jesus strongly condemns those coming and seeking signs from him and condemns us too for always going around seeking signs from God. Should we not expect signs from God? No but we need to only differentiate between, seeking a sign and receiving a sign from God. Receiving a sign from God is different than seeking a sign from God. When we go around seeking signs, it looks as if we are forcing God to act or as if we want our wills to be done. The only thing we are expected of as far as it concerns signs and miracles is to always make ourselves ready to receive the signs and miracles from God. This will enable us more to see God in everything we do. 
Jesus tells the crowd that there is no more sign except the sign of Jonah. This meant the sign of his life, death and resurrection. Just as Jonah spent three days in the belly of the fish so was Jesus to spend three days in the tomb and then rise on the third day, a sign of ultimate victory over sin and death which is the highest sign which will ever be given from heaven, the sign of Jesus himself. Unfortunately, the Jews could neither understand this sign in their midst nor believe in it. The people of Nineveh repented when Jonah preached to them and the Queen of Sheba travelled all the way from the East to listen to Solomon's wisdom, but amidst them, was one greater than Jonah and Solomin. However, the people in Jesus’ time did not. The result is that, at the end of time, the people of Nineveh will be given the responsibility of condemning those who failed to listen to Jesus. Why do we still need to go around seeking for signs while we have the ultimate sig of Jesus (his life, death and resurrection)?

Brethren, the highest form of love and sign that God showed and gave us is his Son Jesus Christ and his resurrectionWe should seek nothing other than this central mystery of our faith.  Every type of question, problem, concern, confusion or anything else can be answered and dealt with if we simply enter into the great mystery of our redemption by entering into the life, death and Resurrection of Christ.  Seeking a sign other than this would be wrong in that it would be a way of saying that the death and Resurrection of Jesus is not enough.

Let us not continue to test God but let us always make ourselves ready to receive the signs and miracles which God give us daily through his word, the Eucharist, sacrament of reconciliation, prayer, and sacramentals. Let the message of Jesus touch us, change our hearts and convert from all evil ways to doing good only which is the greatest miracle which can happen to us. Let us not he a cursed generation too, always seeking for signs while we are the ones to become signs, the feet, hands, mouth, eyes and ears of Christ here on earth. we are the signs, saved by the blood and the victory of Jesus over sin and death through his resurrection. We need nothing more than this.

Reflect today on whether you focus on looking and seeking signs or on the daily preparation to receive signs from God and on the faith of resurrection and trying to be the second Jesus here on earth as a sign. Reflect upon the greatest sign God has ever given, Jesus Christ and believe in him fully. 

Let us Pray
Lord Jesus, it is very possible that our generation can be called a cursed generation because of always seeking and forcing God to give us sign while we have you the greatest sign from heaven. Through your mercy, help us to always turn to you when we seem to miss the way, when we seem that God is not active in our lives and when the need for signs overtakes our thinking, emotions and actions. May we always find answers in your death and resurrection, victory over sin and death. Amen.

Be blessed

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