Saturday, October 1, 2022

Daily Catholic Reflection: Sunday, October 2, 2022, Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9

2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14

Lk 17:5-10                  Full Readings

Feast of the Guardian Angels

We are Just Unprofitable Servants

Brethren, while being recognised, credited, applauded and praised is very important in whatever we do as well as for our motivation, these should never be the ultimate goal of why we do what we do. of course, we want to be noticed and while this may be a “normal” human reaction especially when one has done something good, it’s not the humblest reaction. Jesus teaches us the humblest way of reacting to what we have done good whether we were obliged or have done more that we were expected to do, or we have done something out of our own will; we must be able and find it easy to say: "We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do." Humility comes in many degrees, and the deepest degree of humility allows a person to repeat this statement and mean it. Why does Jesus teach us this way?

As Christian disciples, we have an obligation to work to build up the Kingdom of God. It is our duty, not something we do to earn praise or thanks from others. Our intention should be to fulfill our duty to love God above all things and love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:33). In this way, we will be “unprofitable servants” as Jesus exhorted us to be in today's gospel. We obtain the strength and willpower to do our duty when our goal is to love God with our whole heart. We do not serve for our own gain, but for God’s glory. 

Taking all the credits implies that it is by our own power and will to do what we have done and thus forget that all glory should be due to God who strengthens us always to do everything which is the will of God (Phil 4:13). When doing the will of God is seen as something extraordinary, we may not build a proper habit of fulfilling it.  But when it’s seen as our duty of love and as the normal act we should fulfill, it’s easier to embrace His will more completely.

Strictly speaking, our work is valueless in saving us; it is only our admission of helplessness and our trust in God's power which works in us that can save us, that is the recognition  that whatever good I have done is not by my own power but by God who has commissioned me to do it and the free self-offering to always do the will of God with or without human approval knowing that God is our only witness (! John 5:9; John 5:34). 

Furthermore, what makes our offering pleasing to God is the love we express in that act of self-giving. True love is always sacrificial, generous, and selfless - it is wholly directed to the one we love and serve. God honors the faithful servant who loves and serves with a generous heart. He is ever ready to work in and through each one of us by his Spirit for his glory. We must remember, however, that God can never be indebted to us. We have no claim on him. His love compels us to give him our best! And when we have done our best, we have simply done our duty. We must regard ourselves as God's servants, just as Jesus came "not to be served, but to serve" (Matthew 20:28). 

We have confidence that keeps us moving that our God is not like the master in today's gospel who unyieldingly commands his servant, after a heavy work, to serve him at the table and to expect nothing before this. We cannot forget at the las supper that it was Jesus who put on his apron and washed his disciples' feet. We may be unprofitable or even worthless servants, but this gives us confidence that our Master, our Lord Jesus Christ ministers to us. However, this comes after our humble recognition of being an unprofitable servant. Do you know the benefits of this highest act of humility? Jesus will minister to us. Let us always be ready to say, "We are unprofitable servants; we have done what we were obliged to do" and mean it always. 

Let us Pray
Lord Jesus, help me always to recognize that I am an unprofitable servant. When I fulfill Your holy will, let me acknowledge that this is a holy obligation of love and my most fundamental duty.  Help me to see Your will as the most normal part of my daily life.  Help me to embrace it with wholehearted faith and obedience and never be driven by being recognised, credited, applauded and praised. Amen

Be Blessed and Pray the rosary always. 


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