Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Daily Catholic Reflection: Wednesday, October 19, 2022, Memorial of Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, Priests, and Companions, Martyrs

Ephesians 3:2- 12.
PSALM Isaiah 12:2-3.4bcde.5-6.
Luke 12:39-48                    Full Readings

Saints Isaac Jogues, Jean de Brébeuf, and Companions

Uncertainty of the Last Day

Dear brethren, the last Judgement on the Last day is real, it will come as a thief comes at night. Be alert! The eschatological discourse of Luke continues to build, telling us about the need for our preparedness for the coming of God’s kingdom. We have here the stylistic Lukan analogy of master and servant relationship and punishment to paint a picture of judgement, heaven and hell. When the master will come is judgement day, and the banquet with the master is heaven, and condemnation is hell. If we know when judgement will befall us, we shall be prepared in waiting, but unfortunately this knowledge is far from us. There will be total condemnation for those who heard the urgency of this coming yet are unprepared. Those who have the will but no action to implement the master’s command will be punished, and those who are ignorant, will be given a lighter punishment. What category do you belong to? Of course, we belong to the ones who know about the coming to this day, we know what is expected of us and how we should be prepared for that day. We have been given much and much is expected of us.

St Paul in the first reading tells us more that even the Gentiles have come to the knowledge of this truth and have been in Jesus. It was through God's plan that all may come to the knowledge of truth about Jesus who through his death has brought everyone to the new family, in the master's house, which is the kingdom of God. Even those who are Christians practice Christians values and on the last day they will get their reward of heaven. It will be unfortunate that us, with all the knowledge of Christ and knowledge of good and evil as well as knowledge of what to do, don't inherit the kingdom of heaven. The master’s house, the kingdom of heaven, should be our priority. Don’t forget to whom much is given, much more is expected.

The thief in the night. Jesus' story (parable) of the thief in the night, as we see in the gospel today, brings home the necessity for careful watchfulness and staying alert to avert the danger of plunder and loss of livelihood (all that we need to sustain us now and, in the future,). The thief comes uninvited, especially under the cover of darkness and secrecy! While no thief would announce his intention in advance, nor the time when he would strike, lack of vigilance invites serious loss for those who have not kept their home and treasure secure at all times! The intruder strikes when he is least expected!

How then are we to be prepared? By using what God has entrusted to us, our gifts and talents, for serving Him and our neighbours, as well as following his commandments which are summarised in love. Therefore, the kind of treasure which the Lord Jesus expect us to vigilantly guard and protect in this present life is the treasure of his kingdom and the gifts and graces he has won for us - the gift of salvation purchased by the blood of Christ who died for us on the cross to free us from slavery to sin and Satan, and the gift of abundant new life which Christ won for us, through his resurrection, victory over death, and the gift of the Holy Spirit who comes to live in us and empower us with supernatural faith, hope, and love that endure forever. The Father and the Son come to dwell in us through the gift of the Holy Spirit who makes his home with us. But we can lose the treasure and gifts of God if we do not guard our hearts and minds and hold to the truth of God's word and live according to his wise precepts, teaching, and just laws. 

Are you ready to meet the Lord? The Lord Jesus calls us to be vigilant in watching for his return and to be ready to meet him when he calls us to himself. The Lord gives us his Holy Spirit so that we may have the wisdom, strength, and help we need to turn away from our own sin and to embrace God's way of love, justice, and holiness. The Lord's warning of judgment causes dismay for those who are unprepared, but it brings joyful hope to those who eagerly wait for his return in glory. God's judgment is good news for those who are ready to meet him face to face when he returns. Their reward is God himself, the source of all truth, beauty, goodness, love and everlasting life. 

Reflect today on whether the last judgement is good news or bad news for you. If you are prepared, this is good news but if not prepared, it's not late to start preparing. Ask the Spirit to enlighten you as you prepare for the final judgement on the last day.  

Let us Pray

Lord Jesus, you have captured my heart for you. Make me strong in faith, steadfast in hope, and generous in love that I may seek to please you in all things and bring you glory. May I always be watchful and ready to answer when you draw near. Amen

Be blessed

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