Saturday, November 12, 2022

Daily Catholic Reflection: Sunday, November 13, 2022, Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C

Mal 3:19-20a

Ps 98:5-6, 7-8, 9

2 Thes 3:7-12

Lk 21:5-19                     Full Readings

Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini

Trials Before the Son of Man Comes Back

Brethren, many signs and trials will precede the final day, the Lord's Day, the end of time, the judgement day, the day when the Son of Man will return: wars, famine, plagues, earthquakes, persecution, division and being drawn into courts even by your own family members, and even being killed. Jesus says in today's that when we see these signs, the day of lord will be nearing. But also, Jesus warns us to take care and not to be deceived! What is the use of these signs and what are they calling us to?

Jesus is aware that as he prepares us for the final day, there are those who will come before this day and start deceiving us. “Many will come in my name saying, ‘I am he’; do not follow them... Refuse to join them.” Jesus knows that with adversity, persecution and suffering, anyone can easily be taken away from the truth in search of quick truth and solution, and this is the time when many will come especially false ones promising heaven and earth. And so, Jesus encourages us to persevere and the one who will persevere up to the end will be saved. One may wonder why, today, there is a staggering number of different Christian churches in Africa and world at large; even as we speak, new denominations are being created and preachers multiplied every day. But, curiously, with this increase in evil in our world today; one would think that more churches should mean greater holiness, but the opposite seems to be the case. The truth is that a “church” has become a business, and people go to great lengths to make their “Business” more lucrative even if it entails using diabolic means or twisting the Christian truths to sound sweeter to their followers. Christ has warned us: not everyone who comes in Jesus’ name is of Jesus.

Jesus therefore makes it clear that these signs are not meant to make us gullible in believing fake men and women who would use the opportunity to confuse us and deprive us of our valuables but will precede the final day and will mark that the final day is near. The most abused Gospel texts by the many rising preachers are those concerning the end of the world. These preachers come with terrifying messages that the world will end soon and then demand unthinkable demands, for instance, selling everything and giving to them and others. Some even go as far as to say that they are the Christ. However, as the bad tree cannot bear good fruit, history has proved them wrong, and time will still prove them wrong. The question remains, why are there still many people being taken away by these false preachers even when these people know the truths and have proved that most of these preachers are false. Satan is at work! Let's be aware of the kingdom of Satan that is fighting to take us away. Satan not only opposes God's rule, but he also seeks to destroy all who would obey God. Satan will use any means possible to turn people away from God. Don't be deceived.

One of the prophecies of Jesus in today's Gospel was fulfilled in 70 AD by the destruction of the temple. Jesus had said that the beautiful adornments of the temple, time will come when no single stone will be left unturned, everything will be destroyed, and this happened. Today, like in Jesus's time, we still marvel at the beauty of our monuments; we take pride in our cities and their lights; we boast perhaps even more of our technology, our transportation, communications, and excellent entertainment. While all these things are good and can be used for good, people can let themselves become puffed up with pride and lose sight of who inspires man’s awesome achievements. After all, the temple is not about the precious stones that adorn it, but the spiritual prayers and sacrifices offered there. Let’s keep our focus not on the shiny stones that adorn our temples and churches, but on keeping our interior castle swept clean and suitable for a visit from the King of Kings. More still, let us not focus on the present most beautiful things in the world, they will pass away, and so let us focus on preparing and adorning our spiritual lives so that at the end of time we shall be worthy to live with Jesus forever.

The Lord Jesus is also clear that there will be trials, suffering, and persecution in this present age until he comes again at the end of the world. God intends our anticipation of his final judgement to be a powerful deterrent to unfaithfulness and wrongdoing. But God will extend grace and mercy to all who will heed his call and his warning. Those who will persevere up to the end will be saved. Do not pass up, even for one day, God's invitation of grace and mercy to seek first his kingdom of righteousness and peace. This day may be your only chance before that final day comes.

Let us Pray

Lord Jesus, your grace and mercy abounds even in the midst of trials and difficulties. Help me to seek your kingdom first and to reject whatever would hinder me from pursuing your way of peace, righteousness, and holiness. Fill me with the joy and hope of your everlasting kingdom. Give me the Spirit of discernment that I may never be deceived to part away from you. Amen

Be blessed

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