Sunday, February 19, 2023

Catholic Daily Reflection: Monday, February 20, 2023, Monday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time, Year A

Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5

Mk 9:14-29                     Full Readings

Saint Jacinta and Francisco Marto

The Wonders of Faith and Prayer

After an awesome experience of incredible glory on Mount Tabor when Jesus was transfigured, the experience which Peter wanted to postpone for as long it lasts, the three disciples went down happy but only to meet a sad situation of a faithless crowd arguing in top of their voices, perhaps challenging the other nine disciples who had remained at the foot of the mountain for not casting out the demon which had possessed the boy who was brought to them by his father. "O faithless generation...," cried Jesus. The crowd including the Apostles and the father of the boy did not only lacked faith but also never bothered to pray. How is this different from our generation of today? How many of us have great faith and are praying ceaselessly, or even when we pray how many of us are praying with great faith? You and I know where we fall.

But Jesus invites us to both at ago. Two powerful tools for a Christian that makes wonders. Faith is that which produces answers to our prayers, that which works miracles in. Prayer is the way of keeping lit that faith, keeping connected to the vine, which is Jesus for without him, we can do nothing on our own. Firstly, the father never had much faith that why when he asks Jesus to heal his boy, Jesus told him that everything is possible to one who has faith. This statement helps the father to grow in faith, "I believe" by first realizing his unbelief and then also prayer follows, "help my unbelief." Believing is not easy. It requires a constant recognition of our limitations, our inability to understand the “why’s” of so many occurrences, the “how’s” of so many challenges. It is at this moment that our faith will grow, and Jesus will work in our lives.

Most times we may pray and sometimes our prayer does not bring any effects in our lives and the lives of people we are praying for. We may that think God is not listening to our prayers or He is asleep. This is not the case. Jesus tells us it's because of our little faith. However, faith is not a condition for miracles to be done nor is it as a result of miracles, faith is itself the power that makes the miracles or brings in effect our prayers. Thus, faith is the only way our prayer to bring effect. It is the power we need for our prayer to bring effect our lives.

The apostles go out and think they can cure people, but they forget the secret ingredient – faith. It is not the apostles who are doing the work; it is God working through them. Could it be that they had forgotten this fact and fell into presumption? How often do we have a great time at prayer, only to walk out the door and return to our self-centredness? We have no power aside from Christ. Put your faith into action. Make sure your actions are done with Christ and through Christ.  We cannot do anything without faith in Christ.

When the disciples asked Jesus about why they could not cast the demon out, Jesus told them: “This kind can only come out through prayer.” Seemingly, some of us lack both faith and prayer, and as Christians, if we lack these two, then we shall always be a disappointment to others just like the Apostles were a disappointment to the boy's father or even perhaps the Scribes and Pharisees. It is possible that some enthusiasm of the boy's father had waned and may be his confidence in Jesus was affected as well, and perhaps that is why he asked Jesus for his help somewhat tentatively with an IF, “...if you can do anything, have pity on us and help us.” 

While people may not expect us to cast out demons, as Christians, and especially as religious leaders, people expect not only spiritual help from us but also charity and actions that show the presence of Christ in us and so each of us is called to make Christ present in the world. We must be able to prove, through our actions, our words and our way of life, that we believe in Jesus Christ, we follow him, and that his power is working through us. This is only achieved when we have faith and prayer. Do you know and understand what other people expect from you as a lay faithful Christian, as a priest, or a brother or a religious sister or any religious leader? Please don't disappoint them.

Our failure as religious leaders and lay Christians not only dishearten those who come to us, but also make them lose confidence in us and even faith and trust in Jesus Christ. We need to work hard through prayer so that this does not happen, for if it happens, our punishment is worse (Luke 17:2). The testimony of our lives should impact others; they should expect us to help them encounter Jesus. If we are not asked challenging questions or asked to assist or intercede for those in need, we can wonder whether the faith we profess is a living faith, visible to those around us. 

Let Us Pray

Lord Jesus, by your grace, may prayer and faith be my weapons to fight the devil and all worldly pleasures, so that with them, people may experience your love and receive their healing through me. Amen

Be blessed.

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