Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Daily Catholic Reflection: March 16, 2023, Thursday of the Third Week of Lent, Year A

Jer 7: 23-28.

Ps 95: 1-2, 6-9.

Lk 11: 14-23                      Full Readings

Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer

The Finger of God at Work

Dear brethren, listening is a virtue in itself, for it is only when we listen that we can learn and understand.  Listening to the voice of God keeps us informed, wise and safe.  Rebellious people never listen because they are stubborn.  The Lord rejects those who harden their hearts and rebuff His voice, but He blesses those who listen and adhere to His voice.   Today God calls us to believe in Him and to gather with Him. Let us therefore heed the voice of God and lead holy lives as a people. The Jews in the first reading did not heed to the voice of God and what he was telling them and finally their temple was destroyed, and many taken to exile. To experience the finger of God at work in our lives, we have to listen attentively, learn and act according to God's will. “O that today you would listen to His voice harden not your hearts!

The finger of God clearly was at work in Jesus' miracles though some did not recognise and believe in his miracles. His miracles were a clear indication that the kingdom of God and thus inviting us to either gather with him or either be against him and scatter. Jesus' numerous exorcisms brought freedom to many who were troubled and oppressed by the work of evil spirits. Jesus himself encountered personal opposition and battled with Satan when he was put to the test in the wilderness just before his public ministry (Luke 4:1-13). He overcame the evil one through his obedience to the will of his Father. Some of the Jewish leaders reacted vehemently to Jesus' healings and exorcisms and they opposed him with malicious slander. How could he get the power and authority to release individuals from Satan's power? They assumed that he had to be in league with Satan. They attributed his power to Satan rather than to God.

Jesus answers their charge with two arguments. There were many exorcists among the Jews in Jesus' time. So, Jesus retorted by saying that they also incriminate their own kin who cast out demons. If they condemn Jesus, they also condemn themselves. In his second argument he asserts that no kingdom divided against itself can survive for long. We have witnessed enough civil wars in our own time to prove the destructive force at work here for the annihilation of whole peoples and their land. If Satan lends his power against his own forces, then he is finished. How can a strong person be defeated except by someone who is stronger? Jesus asserted his power and authority to cast out demons as a clear demonstration of the reign of God.

Jesus' reference to the finger of God points back to Moses' confrontation with Pharoah and his magicians who represented Satan and the kingdom of darkness (see Exodus 8:19). Jesus claims to be carrying on the tradition of Moses whose miracles freed the Israelites from bondage by the finger of God. God's power is clearly at work in the exorcisms which Jesus performed, and they give evidence that God's kingdom has come.

Jesus makes it clear that there are no neutral parties. We are either for Jesus or against him, for the kingdom of God or against it. There are two kingdoms in opposition to one another - the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness under the rule of Satan. If we disobey God's word, we open to door to the power of sin and Satan in our lives. If you want to live in freedom from sin and Satan, then your "house" - your life and possessions (all that you rely upon for livelihood, peace, and security) - must be occupied by Jesus where he is enthroned as Lord and Savior. Is the Lord Jesus the Master of your home, heart, mind, and will? It is when you make Jesus the master of your life that you will see the finger of God at work in your life and in everything you do. 

Let us Pray.

Lord, help me to accept your miracles in my life so that my life will give you glory in my actions, words, and thoughts. Do not let me be blind to the force of your love in the world. I know you are stronger than Satan. I want to be in your camp. I want to be rescued from the clutches of sin by the omnipotence of your love. Amen

Be blessed.

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