Sunday, August 20, 2023

Daily Catholic Reflection: Monday, August 21, 2023, Memorial of Saint Pius X, Pope

Mt 19:16-22                                 Full Readings             

Saint Pius X

Using Riches to Gain Eternal Life

Jesus today gives us only and if not the only way of how we can use our wealth and riches to gain eternal life. Mostly in the gospels, the inadequacy of riches in helping to gain eternal life are exposed, a good example being Lazarus and rich man. But today, Jesus gives this way in which we can use our riches to gain eternal life: “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Jesus tells the young rich man, who had come asking Jesus of what good he can do to gain eternal life, to go and sell all he had and give the money to the poor. The young man could not imagine this because he had so much, and he went away very sad. What is our attitude to riches? of this young man or the attitude Jesus gives us today. The big temptation with riches is always to gain more and more and become more selfish than giving out to the needy and the poor. If we fall into this temptation, then we may lose eternal life.

Though the invitation given to this young man to “go, sell what you have and give to the poor” is not a requirement that our Lord places on everyone, He does call some to do this literally. But for everyone else, the invitation still remains—but in a spiritual sense rather than a literal sense. This is the spiritual call to interior poverty of spirit. Every one of us is called to be interiorly detached from the things of this world in a complete way, even though we retain our possessions. We must have as our single possession the love of God and the service of His will. This depth of spiritual detachment means that God and His holy will is all we desire in life. And if He ever were to call us to literally give everything up, we would do it without hesitation. And though that may seem extreme, it is, in fact, exactly what will benefit us the most. It is the only way to become fully human and fully the person we were meant to be. And the end reward is not only the attainment of Heaven but an incomprehensible amount of glory in Heaven. The holier we become here on earth, the greater will our eternal reward be in Heaven. Do not hesitate to do all you can to build up that treasure that will be with you forever.

Being truly rich is not just having riches for yourself alone but the ability to give to those in need that makes really rich with the heavenly treasures and eternal life. The young man came to Jesus and though he was rich and had won all the world, he felt that it was not enough, but there was something missing in his life. That's why he came and asked, what good deed he must do to possess eternal life. This question means his wealth alone cannot gain him eternal life. We all know that money can do everything but cannot buy love, cannot buy eternal life and if not used well, it may make one feel lonely by losing all the friends. All these show that wealth is inadequate and cannot provide us everything we need. 

Brethren, do you prefer your wealth to the eternal life which God offers? If no, then use your wealth not only for your selfish desires, but also for helping your neighbor and the needy as well as for serving God. Pray today for the spirit of generosity so that others will give glory to God because of your wealth and also for us all to gain eternal life. 

Let us Pray.
Lord Jesus, you alone can satisfy the deepest longing in my heart. No other treasure can compare with you. Keep me free from all discontentment, possessiveness, greed and selfishness, that I may have joy in knowing that you alone are my true Treasure and my Portion.

Be blessed.

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