Thursday, August 31, 2023

Daily Catholic Reflection: September 1, 2023, Friday of the Twenty-first Week in Ordinary Time

Mt 25:1-13                                  Full Readings             

Saint Giles

Be Prepared

In today's Gospel, Jesus makes a clear distinction between the wise and the foolish maidens who were waiting for the bridegroom. Five of them took extra oil with them for their lamps and foolish ones never took more extra oil. When the bridegroom came, he found that the lamps of foolish ones had gone off and had no more oil. On going out to buy oil. the wise ones entered inside with the Lord and the door was locked. On coming back and knocking on the door so that the Lord can open for them, the bridegroom told the five foolish virgins, "I don't know you." With this parable, the Lord calls for our preparedness for the final day for we never know the day when he will come back.

The point is no longer alertness, as in the previous parable, but due preparation. The story is not an allegory, but only a single-point parable on the need to prepare for the final wedding. That wedding-feast is the joyful moment of the wedding of the Lord to his bride at the end of time, as so often in both Old and New Testaments. The Lord invites us to have oil for our lamps, that is, to be always ready for the coming of the Lord. He appears in moments and ways we do not expect and at all times throughout our day. The foolish virgins failed to anticipate when and how the Lord would come to them, and they were unprepared. So often, we get caught up in a thousand affairs and worries, and we can miss what is essential. We miss the presence of Christ in the people around us in the circumstances in which we live. Sometimes, Christ comes to us through some sacrifice or suffering, but we do not recognize him in it and reject it. We need to strengthen our faith and see how the Lord may appear in our lives.

In Matthew, being prepared by having extra oil for our lamps until the Lord comes back would be a stock of good works (charity -like the wedding-garment in 22.12). The shining lamps stand for the virtues with which we want to present ourselves; the oil is the persevering dedication we need to grow in these virtues by living accordingly.  As we prepare to meet our Lord in Heaven, it is not enough to make the claim that we are Christians. We must also produce the good fruit of charity by our actions. Faith must result in charity, otherwise it is not true faith at all. Our actions become charitable when we become generous with our time, go out of our way to serve and are diligent in the ways we express our love of others. Our too words must be encouraging of others, kind, supportive and merciful. The words and actions of love and charity which we close ourselves make us worthy to meet the bridegroom.

Reflect today on the reality that this parable spoken from our Lord is much more than a story. It is truth. And the truth is that some will arrive at the day of judgment without the necessary “oil” for their lamps. Take our Lord seriously and examine your life of charity. Where you are lacking, become fervent in your mission to change. In the end, you will be eternally grateful you did.

Let us Pray.

Lord, grant me wisdom so that I may know you more and love you more and do what you will and at the end, meet you Jesus our bridegroom. Amen

Be blessed.

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