Sunday, September 3, 2023

Daily Catholic Reflection: Monday, September 4, 2023, Monday of the Twenty-second Week in Ordinary Time

Lk 4:16-30                             Full Readings             

Saint Rose of Viterbo

The Identity of Jesus' Mission

In the Gospel today, Jesus clearly explains the heart of His Mission and what it entails, which also explains our mission too as Christians. Jesus stood on the pulpit and after being given a scroll, he opened the book of prophet Isaiah and found where it is written, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord.” This was a declaration of his missions as the messiah. He did not meet the expectations of the political Messiah who was expected by the Jews; Jesus had come for the lowly of the society. We are invited to take part in the mission of Jesus, to show love to the lowly and the looked upon of the society.

Jesus after reading, he tells the people that today, this scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing, a message which meant the coming of Messianic era and the Messiah who was long awaited. In other words, their wait for the Saviour has ended by his appearance on the world scene. Though they didn't believe in him because they expected a political Messiah who would go to Jerusalem and establish a kingdom, he was telling them indirectly that they should not expect any other Messiah apart from him, he is the true Messiah they have been waiting for. In Jesus we have our liberation, our freedom, our joy and hope. He alone can bring us that freedom from those enslavements and bondages caused by our sins, bad habits and evil powers. It is by surrendering our lives to him that we find our true peace, joy and freedom of the children of God.

He brought glad tidings to the poor by entering the greatest human poverty. Not even the poorest can say he is alone, for no poverty has been untouched by Christ. He came to let the oppressed go free by taking the cross beams of all oppression upon his back, and so he won for us a redemption which cannot be unmade. This is why he came into the world. This is why he comes into my world. And what does he find in my interior? To what poverty, scarcity, or even emptiness inside me does he wish to bring glad tidings? What oppression in my own life does he wish to lift from my shoulders to place on his own? What space in my interior is held captive that he wishes to liberate? What blindness does he want to return to sight, if only I open it to him and humbly welcome him? This is why he comes to me today. This is why he wishes to reach others through me today, too. And still, he waits in anticipation for an answer.

Brethren, the same Spirit was given to us at our Baptism and more specifically at confirmation, so that we may witness and do the same works that Jesus did. The mission of Jesus is our mission too, for if we call ourselves Christians, we must do what Christ did himself. Today examine yourself: how have you been the good news to the poor, how have you brought good news to the poor, how have you brought liberty to the captives, how have you helped those blind in faith to see the light, how have shown charity and concern to the downtrodden and how have you tried to bring justice and peace to everyone and the whole society? Reflecting on these will show you how you have taken part in the mission of Jesus. 

Participating in the mission of Jesus means to love as he loved. In the first reading, St John tells us that we are to love because God loved us first and if any of us doesn't love the neighbor and claims that he or she loves God, he is a liar, for we cannot hate our fellows whom we see and love God whom we have never seen. Therefore, anyone who loves God must also love his brother or sister. Our love to God must be shown and perfected in loving others. This is how we participate in the mission of Jesus because we shall do the same acts that Jesus did out of love for the people.

Reflect today on the mission of Christ. How have you been able to participate in it? What is your resolution this year? How have you participated in the mission by loving one another? Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you as you witness Christ's love. 

Let us Pray.

Lord Jesus, you are the fulfillment of all our hopes and dreams. Through the gift of your Holy Spirit, you bring us truth, freedom, and abundant life. Fill me with the joy of the Gospel and inflame my heart with love and zeal for you and for your kingdom of peace and righteousness. Amen  

Be blessed.

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