Saturday, October 28, 2023

Daily Catholic Reflection: Sunday, October 29, 2023, Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Mt 22:34-40                   Full Readings

Saint Alphonsus Rodriguez

Every Law Hangs on Love

In today's Gospel, Jesus presents to us the greatest commandment on which all other laws hang. Jesus teaches us today that among all the commandments, love for God and love for neighbours is the greatest commandment, and on this love do all laws hang. How would it be if all the laws right away from our individual decisions, family laws up to national and international level were centered on love? Of course, there would be no wicked things and actions we see in today's world.

Unfortunately, most of our laws are centred on selfish desires not on love. Jesus teaches us that our human laws work well only when we are conformed to God’s laws—the law of love. How well our political system would work if everyone was motivated by their love for neighbor! St. Teresa of Calcutta was able to win over adverse political officials by her acts of selfless love for the sick and dying. She entered countries closed to Christianity because those leaders saw her love. True love is a language that rises above politics and self-interest. May our selfless love be a testimony to our love of Christ.

What is the love for God and neighbor that Christ talks about, like? We often hear from our friends, our parents and other people that I love you, but which type of love are they talking about? Love is one of the most misused words in the world and so this requires us to understand what really Jesus means by love, so that we may imitate the love of Jesus alone.

True love which Jesus talks about is not the warmth of companionship or of sex but is like the willing generosity of mother to helpless young child or daughter to helpless old parent, of wife to alcoholic husband, or of husband to paralysed wife, seeking no reward but the happiness of the receiver. True Love is what is focused on the happiness of the other, the way Jesus loved even at the expense of his Divinity. Paul gives a useful checklist in First Corinthians 13. The First Letter of John gives a shorter checklist: ‘No one who fails to love the brother or sister whom he can see, can love God whom he has not seen’. The real interests of the recipient of love may not always be easy to find, but the spirit of giving is unmistakable.

Therefore, Love is the gift of giving oneself for the good of others - it is wholly other oriented and directed to the welfare and benefit of others. Love which is rooted in pleasing myself is self-centered and possessive - it is a selfish love that takes from others rather than gives to others. It is a stunted and disordered love which leads to many hurtful and sinful desires - such as jealousy, greed, envy, and lust. The root of all sin is disordered love and pride which is fundamentally putting myself above God and my neighbor - it is loving and serving self rather than God and neighbor. True love, which is wholly directed and oriented to what is good rather than evil, is rooted in God's truth and righteousness (moral goodness).

Jesus tells us to love God first in order to get the meaning of true love which we have to show to others in return. To love truly, you have to love God first with 100%. If you were to give to God 100% of your love, what would you have left for others? The glorious nature of our love of God is such that the more love we offer to God, the more we have to give away to others. When we give our love to God, He does not take it away from us and keep it for Himself in a selfish way as if He is jealous and possessive. Instead, loving God transforms our ability to love in such a way that we have even more than we started with. We are limited creatures, and we are limited in our ability to love. God is infinite and His love is infinite in nature. Therefore, when we give our limited love to God, we receive back from Him His infinite love. This love is then able to overflow from our lives and can be distributed to others without reserve. However, if we don't love our neighbors, our love of God is in vain because we show that we love God if only we love one another and when we live in love God lives in us because God Himself is love and only dwells where love is. The only way to show that we love God is by loving one another.

God's love to us exceeds everything and does everything for us as we see in the first reading. God is able to defend the widow, the orphan and anyone in need when we call on him. The first reading teaches us to show love in all our actions and behaviours as well as to treat the lowly ones well in society. Even if someone owes you something, it is not right to scold him, if you have much, then give to the other but not seeking to take even the little he has. Some people are unable to pay back your debt not because they have refused but because you see that they don't have what to pay, treat them with care. We are therefore encouraged to put on love and other things will be only peace. By this people will know that we are Christians, and our lives will be the Gospel as well as proclaiming the Gospel as the Thessalonians in the second reading.

Reflect today on your love for God and neighbor. With which type of love do you love your fellows; love like the one of Jesus or love with strings attached or love for selfish gains? Reflecting on these questions and on the greatest commandment with the aid of the Holy Spirit will make you know how God loves you and how we should love him and our neighbours.

Let us pray

Lord, you are love and you dwell where love is, help us always to live in love so that you will always be in our midst. Amen

Be blessed.

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