Monday, October 30, 2023

Daily Catholic Reflection: Tuesday, October 31, 2023, Tuesday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A

Ps 126:1b-2ab, 2cd-3, 4-5, 6

Lk 13:18-21                  Full Readings

Saint Wolfgang of Regensburg

Those Small Things

Some lessons from the mustard seed, the smallest of all the seeds, and yeast as we read in today's Gospel. Those small things you do in love do really make a difference. Those small things you do to your spouse out of love makes love and unity to grow, those small things you are very trustworthy with makes you a great and a trusted person, those small things you do in love for your friend, makes one more than a friend to a brother or a sister, those small things you do to your parents or your children makes them secure and feel loved,  and those small things you do as a sign of charity even to one person, changes one for eternity, and those small things you do in mission of proclaiming the Gospel makes the kingdom of God grow even to the bigger heights than what you have done. Are you afraid of doing small things thinking that you cannot make difference in your life or someone's life? Be encouraged, those small things are the ones which make bigger differences.

This is the same as the spreading of the kingdom of God as we see in the gospel today. The kingdom of God has small and humble beginnings. Jesus began His public ministry with His twelve disciples and today He has billions of followers. Often, we are interested in big things: large gatherings, elaborate prayer sessions, big miracles and the like.  But small acts of kindness a simple smile and little words of encouragement can make a great difference in the lives of those around us.  Mother Teresa once said, “You may not be able to feed five thousand people but just feed one, because it will make a difference.” You may not be able to say twenty decades of the rosary but just say five, or even one.  “Little thing can be little, but faithfulness to little things leads to something great.”

Jesus uses two images to show the transforming power of the kingdom of God and how those small things can make a difference. The mustard seed which grows into a tree and shelters birds and the yeast which makes the dough rise to provide bread which people eat to live. 

These images teach us that we, as little as we are, can make a difference just as a small mustard seed. Most times we tend to feel as though our lives are not nearly as important as others.  We can often look to others who are far more “powerful” and “influential.”  We can tend to dream about being like them.  What if I had their money?  Or if I had their social status?  Or if I had their job?  Or if I were as popular as they are?  Too often, we fall into the trap of the “what ifs."

The truth is that all of us are capable of bringing a huge difference in this world, in our lives and in the lives of others. The only thing we need is to be positive in life and trust and be faithful in the one who makes everyone successful in life. Mother Teresa once said that we are called to be faithful not successful. If we are faithful to God, God cannot surely leave us to fail. We shall surely be successful, and we shall make a difference in life. Let us be optimistic and believe in ourselves that however small or little we are, we can make a difference.

Reflect today on the small things you do in love for your own self spiritual growth, for others and for the coming of the kingdom of God. You may not see the difference they bring but they real make great difference in life.  Let today's Gospel encourage you.

Let us Pray.

Lord Jesus, help me to always find significance in the small things I do in love, and may this be an encouragement to me always to desire to make a difference with what I am capable of doing with what you have entrusted to me. Amen

Be blessed.

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