Saturday, November 11, 2023

Daily Catholic Reflection: Sunday, November 12, 2023, Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Wisdom 6: 12-16,

Psalm 63:2.3-4.5-6.7-8,

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18,

Matthew 25:1 -13                 Full Readings

Saint Josaphat 

The Wise Versus the Fool

Brethren, the coming of the Bridegroom, Jesus, to meet his bride, the church, will prove whether we are wise or foolish in the things of God. Jesus, on his part, needs and wishes us to be wise and prudent in striving for the kingdom of God more than the children of the world are in dealing with their own generation, "for the children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than the children of light" (Luke 16:8). Who are the wise and the Fools? The wise are those who, embracing the time available to them, are found prepared at the first onset of the coming of the Lord. But the foolish were those who are lax and unmindful. They trouble themselves only over present matters and, forgetting what God said, do not direct their efforts toward hope for resurrection (Hilary of Poitiers). Jesus needs us to be prepared so that when he comes to meet us, we are found worthy to be married to him eternally to him, savouring his goodness and sweetness forever. This theme runs through today's readings.

The Gospel gives us a parable of ten virgins who were going to meet the bridegroom and had to wait with their lamps lighting the whole night. Five were wise and went with extra oil to keep their lamps lighting and the rest were foolish and did not go with extra oil. At the coming of the bridegroom, they had no oil to light their lamps and so had to be sent out. The second reading is a consoling message that Jesus at his return as the bridegroom will take all of us, living and dead, provided we had prepared ourselves for him on this earth. The first reading is like the commentary on the Gospel, which requires us to have wisdom and never be fools so that we are ever fully prepared for Jesus. 

Brethren, are we prepared for the return of Christ and how do we get prepared? The parable of ten virgins cannot be taken literally but has a message of being prepared for Christ. As Christians, we prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ, through Charity. The oil in their lamps, or the lack thereof, is a symbol of charity.  If we are to be prepared to meet the Lord at any time, on any day, we must have charity in our lives.  Charity is much more than a passion or emotion of love.  Charity is a radical commitment to love others with the heart of Christ.  It’s a daily habit we form by choosing to put others first, offering them all that Jesus asks us to give.  It may be a small sacrifice or a heroic act of forgiveness.  But whatever the case may be, we need charity in order to be ready to meet our Lord.

As the five virgins were wise to carry more oil for their lamps so must we also seek that wisdom to remain focused and prepare ourselves well especially in this modern world characterised by less regard of God. To gain this wisdom we need to fear God and follow his commandments, for the fear of God is the beginning of all wisdom. The first reading encourages us to seek wisdom and that she is always there waiting for us to seek her, if we need her we shall get her. But what is this wisdom brethren? 

For the Bible, Wisdom is not knowledge, such as scientific or philosophical knowledge acquired by study and learning, or even the sound judgement acquired by experience and maturity. Instead, it is the reflection of God’s own Wisdom, the Wisdom by which God creates the world and guides humanity. Wisdom is therefore divine, a reflection or image of God, ‘the reflection of the eternal light and the image of his power’. Therefore, always reflecting on the things of God and on what is required to meet our bridegroom Jesus, is the wisdom we should seek.

When we have done this, at the return of Jesus, we all, the living and the dead, shall be taken in the glory by Jesus. Thus, Paul encourages us not even to weep much for those who have died in Christ for he will first raise them at last and all with them, take us in his glory to be with him forever. What we need is to remain in Christ and prepared for that day. Remember, no one cannot prepare on the last day. Imagine a student who starts revising for an exam ten minutes before the exam, the marks he will get. Therefore Brethren, the time is now to start preparing, for we never know when Jesus is going to come. Pray for that urgency to be prepared for this Jesus' return.

Let us Pray.

Lord Jesus, make me vigilant and attentive to your voice that I may heed your call at all times. May the day when you call find me prepared and may I find joy in your presence and delight in doing your will. Amen.

 Blessed Sunday

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