Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Daily catholic Reflection: Thursday, November 16, 2023, Thursday of the Thirty-second Week in Ordinary Time, Year A

Ps 119:89, 90, 91, 130, 135, 175

Lk 17:20-25                         Full Readings

Saint Margaret of Scotland

The Kingdom of God: Already, but Not Yet

What is the Kingdom of God and what does it entail? St Paul says the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Roman 14:17). John Cassian (360-435 AD) an early Church Father, would teach us that, living in a just, just society where we render justice in all that we do, living in righteousness (holy life), in joy, peace, love and Harmony with one another, is living in the kingdom of God. On the other hand, someone that remains in unrighteousness, conflict and the melancholy that kills the life of the spirit is already a citizen of the devil's kingdom, of hell and of death. These are the signs whether it is God's kingdom or the devil's." (Excerpt from CONFERENCE 1.13.5). Where do you and I fall?

The above facts support today's Gospel message where Jesus is telling the Pharisees that the Kingdom of God is already here. This gospel passage of today is very pertinent to our contemporary time. Many preachers predict the end times, some to scare people to repentance but others with hidden motives. But Jesus cautioned his disciples against following such preachers, nobody should be taken away by those who say, look it is here or there. Jesus made it clear that with the event of his coming, the kingdom of God is already in our midst, in our hearts. In his book Jesus of Nazareth, Pope Benedict XVI spoke about the three ways in which the Kingdom of God might be understood. Firstly, Jesus himself is the Kingdom. Secondly, we understand that in a mystical sense, Jesus is present within us; present to us in an intimate way, but unseen by human eyes. The kingdom of God is present in mystery until the coming of the Lord Jesus in his glory when all will be revealed, and the veil of faith will fade away.  Finally, the Church is God’s Kingdom on earth. Yet people did not understand and accept him. Even some today still don't, they are still looking for the kingdom here and there.

Our mission here on earth is to make our world heaven, we should start living our heaven from here. As Christians we know what entails the kingdom, that is, all the virtues and fruits of the Holy Spirit, following the ten commandments, following Jesus' teachings and loving God above all while showing that love and charity to our neighbours too. With these, then make yourself happy, live well, eat well, dress well, and enjoy the kind of life God has chosen for you. Do not forget to do charity to those who feel that the kingdom of God is far from them, for it is through your charity and generosity and above all being just and loving in all that you do, that will make them feel the kingdom of God here on earth. What are you doing to bring the kingdom of God here on earth?

If the kingdom of God is already here, then why did Jesus talk about his second coming, the end of time, the Lord's Day, the judgement day and eternal life after here, and why do these teachings appear in church's teachings? The kingdom we are in is just an anticipation of the kingdom to come, one of the Beatific Vision, where God will be all in all and we shall see him face to face and as he really is. This is what we are all working for, but we have to live in the anticipation of it first. Therefore, the kingdom of God is already here but not yet fully revealed as it will be at the end of time.

When will it be fully revealed and when shall we behold it? At the end of time, and the second coming of the Son of Man, when he will have his seat and judge all the living and the dead, and those who lived in anticipation of heaven will behold it and those who didn't, will go to eternal damnation. This is true, be alert! Unfortunately, we don't know when this day will be, Jesus says that it will come like a lightening. We need to be prepared all the time.

Why did Jesus associate lightning with the "Day of the Lord"? In the arid climate of Palestine, storms were infrequent and seasonal. They often appeared suddenly or unexpectedly, seemingly out of nowhere, covering everything in thick darkness. With little or no warning lightning filled the sky with its piercing flashes of flaming light. Its power struck terror and awe in those who tried to flee from its presence. Jesus warned the Pharisees that the "Son of man" (a title for the Messiah given in the Book of Daniel 7:13-15) would come in like manner, quite suddenly and unexpectedly, on the clouds of heaven to bring God's judgement on the "Day of the Lord". No special sign will be needed to announce his appearance. Nor will his presence and power be veiled or hidden, but all will recognize him as clearly as the lightning in the sky.

Reflect today on the reality of God's kingdom in our midst. Are you in it or out of it? Is your hope and future securely anchored to God's heavenly kingdom? Let us always strive to live in the kingdom both now and life after here.

Let us Pray

Lord Jesus Christ may your kingdom come, and my will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Be the Ruler of my heart and the Master of my life that I may always live in the freedom of your love and truth. May we, your disciples, follow you with confidence for as long as our journey on this earth endures, to at last enter into the joy of your Heavenly Kingdom.  Amen

Be blessed

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