Monday, December 11, 2023

Daily Catholic Reflection: Tuesday, December 12, 2023, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on the Tuesday of the Second Week of Advent, Year B

Isaiah 40:1-11

Psalm 96: 1-2.3 and 10ac.11-12a.12b-13

Matthew 18: 12-14                                  Full Readings

God Wants us Back.

Brethren, there is joy in heaven when a sinner repents; and at the same time, there is joy in the church here on earth. This is the message that today's readings pass. Isaiah in the first prophecies the great Exodus, this time not an Exodus from Egypt, but an Exodus of moving from slavery of sin to freedom, for all the exiles which the Israelites went to, were because of their sins. Isaiah is telling Israelites, that God wants them back, they have paid their punishments in exile and now he is coming to them with gentle love and forgiveness thus making them his people again. They are then to make their ways straight and prepare for his coming. These are the consolation words which God tells us always.

The same message is seen in the gospel of today with the parable of the lost sheep. One of the 100 sheep of a shepherd goes missing and the shepherd leaves the ninety-nine and goes for the missing one, and after he has found it, there is joy and celebration. Humanly speaking, this parable seems senseless and illogical. But as per Jesus’ teaching, God’s logic is totally different from human logic. God is more interested in the repentance and conversion of even one sinner than in the holiness of the many righteous people who have no need of repentance. As children of God and followers of Christ we should seek the conversion of sinners at all costs. The salvation of souls should be our utmost priority.

This parable shows that God is concerned and cares for every one of us individually. God does not delight in the death of even one sinner and so has to make sure everyone is not lost. The love of a shepherd for his sheep represents the love of God. A shepherd can look for a sheep which may have lost its way out of ignorance but for us who have conscience with freedom and deliberately decide to sin, God still looks. What great love it is! We however need to respond to his voice when he is looking for us. It is worth remarking that the initiative comes from the shepherd. We do not save ourselves, and repentance is a favour of God. We however need to cooperate with God in saving us, because it is unfortunate when he comes looking for us and we hide the more. I tell you it is joy not only in heaven but also with ourselves and the whole church when we again unite with God. In this advent, reflect on the love of God and your readiness to listen to the voice of God as he looks for you. Reflect also on the joy that is experienced when you are reunited with God again and how you long for it. Let us Pray. Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. As such, I am so grateful to you for patiently and continuously offering your mercy to me. May I neither despair of, nor presume of, your mercy. Increase my reliance upon your grace to strengthen me in the face of temptation and difficulties. Also help me to be your instrument to communicate your goodness to souls in need of your mercy. Amen Be Blessed

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