Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Daily Catholic Reflection: Wednesday, January 10, 2023, Wednesday of the First Week in Ordinary Time, Year B

1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20

Ps 40:2 and 5, 7-8a, 8b-9, 10

Mk 1:29-39                                                        Full Readings

Blessed Pope Gregory X 

Prayer: A Strong Companion to Mission 

After a powerful day of miracles and preaching, Jesus rose early the next morning to go to a “lonely place in the desert” to pray in communion with His heavenly Father (Mk 1:35). It is from this place of deep communion with the Father that Jesus comes out to minister with power and authority. He shows us that prayer is a strong companion to mission, without prayer, our mission might not bear fruit as expected. Jesus going off to pray in the early morning, shows that the well-spring of all his activity was his union with the God whom he called his Father. We cannot say what Jesus’ prayer was, any more than I can say what your prayer is, but the confident communication between Father and Son must have been the source of his strength and compassion.

Likewise, we the disciples of Christ, who imitate Jesus in His character and ministry, must fuel our mission with a deep prayer life (see 1 Thes 5:17). Communion with the Lord is our daily fuel, most especially in the Mass with the food of the Eucharist and the Word of God. We sit at the Lord’s feet and listen for His voice, as did Mary of Bethany (Lk 10:39, 42). Then we “come out” of this encounter with the Lord refreshed and renewed for His service.

Jesus also shows us that our prayers are always answered. Origen of Alexandria (185-254 AD) in his "The Habit of Prayer," says, "Jesus prayed and did not pray in vain, since he received what he asked for in prayer when he might have done so without prayer. If so, who among us would neglect to pray? Mark says that 'in the morning, a great while before day, he rose and went out to a lonely place, and there he prayed' (Mark 1:35). And Luke says, 'He was praying in a certain place, and when he ceased, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray,"' (Luke 11:1) and elsewhere, 'And all night he continued in prayer to God' (Luke 6:12). And John records his prayer, saying, 'When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven and said, "Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you"' (John 17:1). The same Evangelist writes that the Lord said that he knew 'you hear me always' (John 11:42). All this shows that the one who prays always is always heard." (excerpt from ON PRAYER 13.1)

Are you weary or discouraged? Are you out of ideas and out of energy? Each day, go to the Lord, whether early in the morning (Mk 1:35) or late at night (1 Sm 3:3ff). Then you will be able to come out from the Father with His grace and power. Approach the Lord with expectant faith. God's healing power restores us not only to health but to active service and care of others. Jesus healed Peter's mother and after fever had left her, she immediately started serving them. This is our invitation today; when Jesus shows mercy to us and makes us well, he not only needs us to enjoy the privileges of the Kingdom but also to serve God and his people.

Let us Pray.

Lord Jesus Christ, you have all power to heal and to deliver from harm. There is no trouble nor bondage you cannot overcome. Set me free to serve you joyfully and to love and serve others generously. May nothing hinder me from giving myself wholly to you and to your service. Amen

Be blessed.

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