Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Daily Catholic Reflection: Thursday, February 1, 2024, Thursday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time, Year B

Psalm: 1 Chronicles 29:10, 11ab, 11d-12a, 12bcd

Mk 6:7-13                            Full Readings

Saint Ansgar

Sent Them Two by Two

Brethren, for quite a number of days, we have been reflecting and learning from David very important lessons. Today, he dies, leaving the kingship to Solomon his son.  David finished his kingship successfully despite the grave sins he committed. What made David a great king is known to us all. He was the founder of the dynasty and in some sense the founder of the liturgy of Israel. Perhaps most of all he was the model of the repentant sinner, admitting his failure and casting himself on the mercy of the God to whom he owed so much. He stayed focused on his mission which God had entrusted him and when he sinned he came back to God, when he failed, he withdrew strength from God with trust that he will rise up and fulfil his mission. He relied only on God's providence as Jesus encourages his disciples in today's Gospel.

In today's Gospel, Jesus sends out the twelve two by two to proclaim the Kingdom of God which is at hand, and he gives them the instructions which they are to follow. He instructs his Apostles on how they are to carry out their mission. First of all, they are to proclaim the Kingdom of God by performing miracles, casting away evil spirits by the authority which he gave them. Secondly, they are to carry nothing for their journey for the worker deserves his or her pay, the people they are proclaiming to will take care of them. This was an encouragement to them to only rely on God's providence and more still because of the urgency of mission, and so they are to travel light for speed. They should wear sandals rather than go barefoot, also for speed and security. They are to rely for their provisions on the welcome they receive, and if they are unwelcome, they should not waste time on those who reject them.

Jesus did not send the Apostles out alone; instead he sent them two by two, why? This shows the importance and strength of working together to bring about the Kingdom of God. This idea of going out two by two is reminiscent of Noah gathering and bringing the animals two by two into the ark (Genesis 7:9). Two were needed to multiply life, to be fruitful. Perhaps Jesus sent the Apostles, and later the seventy-two disciples (Luke 10:1), in the same way, because two could more effectively “multiply” the message of the Gospel. Sometimes working with others to build up Christ’s Kingdom can be difficult, but our diverse ideas, strengths, and personalities make us stronger and more effective together. Also, in the Hebrew world, the witness of two was taken as the truth rather than the witness of one person. Thus sending them two by two would prove the authenticity of the message they were to proclaim. 

Jesus knows our human weakness.  He knows that by ourselves we will most likely fail, but with the Christian support of another we are greatly strengthened.  This is because Jesus’ mission is not only something we do ourselves, it’s something that is communal as well.  We are each one piece in His mission. However, to fulfil that mission, we need the love and support of others.  We need to go two by two into the battle. We as Christians, we need to learn how to live together as a community in proclaiming the word of God, even Jesus did not do it himself alone; he appointed the Apostles and disciples to help him in the mission and later to continue it after his ascension. Two heads are better than one; when we join together our strengths and talents as St Paul uses the image of our human body, we can make the kingdom of God visible here on earth. Love is our weapon in  this community living.

As Jesus gave authority to his Apostles, he also gave us that authority in our different apostolates. This is not only some supernatural power to cast out demons; rather, it’s much more extensive. It is the power of true Christian charity.  Charity, or love, overwhelms the evil one and renders him powerless in our lives.  Unity, selflessness, sacrifice, humility, faith, truth and all other virtues are among the most powerful weapons in our Christian mission. The evil one does not know what to do with these.  We do not necessarily have to engage in some sort of dramatic spiritual warfare to do battle against evil but simply loving God and living that love in our daily life and we will, in a sense, be casting out demons. We will have the victory in our Christian living because God will take care of all the rest.  It’s His mission and He is the one summoning and sending us.

Reflect today upon the need of working together in mission as Jesus summons us today. How do we live together in our Christian families, in our churches and in all Christian communities? Is there love, unity, selflessness, sacrifice, humility among these communities or there are always quarrels, individualism, hatred, jealousy, competition and all other evil thoughts towards each other. 

Let us Pray.

Lord Jesus, I pray for Christian unity in mission and make me a channel of your healing power and merciful love that others may find abundant life and freedom in you. Free me from all other attachments that I may joyfully pursue the treasure of your heavenly kingdom. May I witness the joy of the Gospel both in word and deed. Amen

Be blessed.

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