Sunday, February 11, 2024

Daily catholic Reflection: Monday, February 12, 2024, Monday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time, Year B

Jas 1:1-11

Ps 119:67, 68, 71, 72, 75, 76

Mk 8:11-13                           Full Readings

Saint Apollonia

No More Sign but Our Life Witness

    Brethren, the Letter of James, which we begin to read today, was likely not written by either of the two Apostles named James (James the Son of Zebedee and James the Lesser; see Mt 10:2–3; Mk 3:17–18; Lk 6:14–15), for he is not identified as an apostle but only as “slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ” (Jas 1:1). This designation most probably refers to the third New Testament personage named James, a relative of Jesus who is usually called “brother of the Lord” (see Mt 13:55; Mk 6:3). He was the leader of the Jewish Christian community in Jerusalem whom Paul acknowledged as one of the “pillars” (Gal 2:9). In Acts he appears as the authorized spokesman for the Jewish Christian position in the early Church (Acts 12:17; 15:13–21). According to the Jewish historian Josephus, he was stoned to death by the Jews under the high priest Ananus II in A.D. 62

    Calling himself a servant of God means that he fully belongs to God and obeys him. James addresses his letter to Jewish Christians who are scattered or dispersed throughout the lands outside of Israel due to persecution. He invites his readers to rejoice when they encounter trial and know that their faith is being tested. If they persevere in their faith through trial, they will be brought to perfection and true holiness. Through this time of testing, we are called to ask God for wisdom in faith, be confident that God will be generous with his gifts, and trust that the humble of heart will be exalted to heavenly glory. we must not force God to show us signs just like the pharisees did in today's Gospel but truth that in his divine wisdom, God will enable us pass through all the difficult moments and trials.

    Their Pharisaic demand for a sign was to entrap Jesus and accuse him when the time seemed opportune. Jesus knew this and refused them any sign, partly because they lacked faith in him, and partly because their demand was a ploy to indict him. Is it not strange that people have varied motives for worshipping God? Some worship God for material and temporal benefit; some see the Church as a societal privilege, while some others see it as a pressure group. Very few seek God for who he is, out of love for God and neighbour. Jesus refused to give signs because he noticed that a lot of people followed him merely because of the miracles they saw him work; they expected wonder and entertainment. Today’s followers of Jesus do not differ from those people. Crusade grounds are always filled up, for various reasons, ranging from business deals and search for entertainment, fun and solutions to various problems. Do you seek Jesus because of signs and miracles or because of your deep faith in him and because God is God?

    In this gospel of Mark, Jesus refuses completely to give a sign, different from other Gospels, where he only says the sign of Jonah, pointing to his spending of three days in the tomb and rising on the third day as it happened to Jonah. Jesus' miracles and deeds were enough to show that the kingdom of God had come and only a soft heart would believe. A sign given by Jesus was a sign of charity and compassion he showed to everyone; an invitation for us to live in charity. The only sign we have today is when we live in love of God and one another like Christians and when we witness to what we belive as Christians. That's when others will see us and give glory to God in heaven. 

    This is a perfect community and a sign that we are living in the kingdom of God. With our faith not wavering as St James warns us today, we shall see signs in our lives as St James tells in the First reading. Reflect today on your intentions of following Christ. Is it only because signs and miracles or by deep faith on him? Remember, no more than except him, who lived with us, did miracles, died on the cross and then resurrected. This is true and only sign.

    Let us Pray.

    Lord Jesus, may I always recognize your saving presence in my life and never forget your promises when I encounter trials and difficulties. Give me a faith that never wavers, a hope that never fades, and a love that never grows cold. Amen

    Be blessed.

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