Sunday, March 10, 2024

Daily Catholic Reflection: Monday, March 11, 2024, Monday of the Fourth Week of Lent, Year B


PS 30:2 and 4, 5-6, 11-12a and 13b

Jn 4:43-54                        Full Readings

Saint John Ogilvie

New Heaven and New Earth

Brethren, today's readings give us hope amidst the world which has totally lost hope, light to the dark world of today, and a way to the world which has lost its way. The Lord in first Reading promises to make a new Heaven and a new Earth, that is, a new Life. This new life consists of forgetting the past suffering and restoration of Joy and Gladness, many years of good living and thus no more infant deaths; dying before 100 will be like a curse, no more weeping but rejoicing in the Lord forever and thus peace will reign.

Brethren, this reading comes at a time when we really need this hope, when we need the answer to our problems and the answer is only returning to God who will renew our lives to live in peace, Harmony and good health. Even those who trust in science, science also needs God in order to enlighten the minds of scientists to find the everlasting solution to some of our problems especially sickness and pandemics like coronavirus. If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do the builders labour and if the Lord does not watch over in vain do the watchmen stay overnight. Dear brethren our only hope is in God who promises new life and fulfills it in Jesus Christ as we see in the Gospel. 


The new life that God promises includes the healing from all our spiritual wounds and all body illnesses which Jesus manifests in the Gospel. The healing of the son of the Court Official in the Gospel is the true indication of the new life that God gives. Jesus healed the fever of his son even without going to his house, there is power in the word of God. May we ask him to heal us too of all our illnesses both physical and spiritual.


However, as we rejoice in this promise, we have to remember that it is only fulfilled by our response to it, our response through Faith in God. Without faith in God, situations will even worsen. Reflect today on how you have not been faithful to God, not putting trust in Him the way we place it in other things. Reflect also on those instances where you have demanded signs and miracles so that you may believe in God, while not recognizing the small things happening in our lives as great miracles. Pray that your faith will increase your faith daily and give you a new heaven and earth, full of joy and gladness.

Let us Pray

Lord, please increase my faith.  Help me to see You acting in my life and to discover Your perfect love in all things.  As I see You at work in my life, help me to know, with greater certainty, Your perfect love. In a special way, I pray for the restoration of the whole world to its state of peace and Harmony both of mind and body. We repent for all we have done and ask you God to not give us utterly but through your mercy forgive us and look down on us as you answer our prayers.  Jesus, we trust in You. Amen. 

Blessed Lenten season

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