Friday, March 8, 2024

Daily Catholic Reflection: Saturday, March 9, 2024, Saturday of the Third Week of Lent, Year B


LENT SERIES DAY 25: SATURDAY OF THE THIRD WEEK OF LENT (Is Almsgiving better than Other two Pillars of Lent?) (

Ps 51:3-4, 18-19, 20-21ab

Lk 18:9-14                         Full Readings

Saint Frances of Rome

God Answers the Humble

Brethren, in today's Gospel, we are presented with the self-righteous Pharisee and a sinner who went to the temple to pray. The Pharisee boasted of his doing good, while a sinner humbled himself, knowing that he is a sinner, and he went away justified.

Though he had many good things and followed the law of God, the Pharisee exalted himself to Christ’s judgment seat, making himself the judge of what is righteous. Notice that he “spoke this prayer to himself.” He offered the prayer to himself and addressed himself as God: “O God…” (Luke 18:11). He was not offering prayers of thanksgiving to God; he was praising himself. Conversely, the tax collector knew his place before God. He humbly recognized his own faults and sins and asked for God’s mercy. Each of us struggles with pride in some way. It is the result of the fall of man, the original grasping at pride, sometimes called the pusilla anima, or the “small soul.” The Pharisee was in the grasp of his own small soul. He was the center of his universe and prayer, not God. We can ask ourselves: When have we placed ourselves in God’s role, closing our world in on ourselves rather than allowing God to be the Lord of our lives (cf. 1 Peter 3:15)? When we place God in his rightful place, we automatically inhabit our rightful place: as his beloved children who trust in his mercy, like the tax collector. In our smallness, God will exalt us. God can do great things with the humble soul.

Brethren, how can we know if our prayer is pleasing to God or not? In today's first reading, prophet Hosea, who spoke in God's name, said: "I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice" (Hosea 6:6). The prayers and sacrifices we make to God mean nothing to him if they do not spring from a heart of love for God and for one's neighbor. How can we expect God to hear our prayers if we do not approach him with humility and with a contrite heart that seeks mercy and forgiveness? We stand in constant need of God's grace and help. That is why Scripture tells us that "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble" (James 4:6; Proverbs 3:34).

Why did the Lord accept the sinner's prayer and reject the Pharisee's prayer? Luke gives us a hint: despising one's neighbor closes the door to God's heart. Expressing disdain and contempt for others is more than being mean-minded. It springs from the assumption that one is qualified to sit in the seat of judgment and to publicly shame those who do not conform to our standards and religious practices. Jesus' story caused offense to the religious-minded Pharisees who regarded tax collectors as unworthy of God's grace and favor. How could Jesus put down a "religious person" and raise up a "public sinner"?

In summary, today's Jesus' parable speaks about the nature of prayer and our relationship with God. It does this by contrasting two very different attitudes towards prayer. The Pharisee, who represented those who take pride in their religious practices, exalted himself at the expense of others. Absorbed with his own sense of self-satisfaction and self-congratulation, his boastful prayer was centered on his good religious practices rather than on God's goodness, grace, and pardon. Rather than humbling himself before God and asking for God's mercy and help, this man praised himself while despising those he thought less worthy. The Pharisee tried to justify himself before God and before those he despised; but only God can justify us. The tax collector, who represented those despised by religious-minded people, humbled himself before God and begged for mercy. His prayer was heard by God because he had true sorrow for his sins. He sought God with humility rather than with pride.

Brethren, this parable presents both an opportunity and a warning. Pride leads to self-deception and spiritual blindness. True humility helps us to see ourselves as we really are in God's eyes, and it inclines us to seek God's help and mercy. God dwells with the humble of heart who recognize their own sinfulness and who acknowledge God's mercy and saving grace. I dwell in the high and holy place, and also with him who is of a contrite and humble spirit (Isaiah 57:15). God cannot hear us if we boast in ourselves and despise others. Do you humbly seek God's mercy, and do you show mercy to others, especially those you find difficult to love and to forgive?

Let Us Pray

Lord Jesus may your love and truth transform my life - my inner thoughts, intentions, and attitudes, and my outward behavior, speech, and actions. Where I lack charity, kindness, and forbearance, help me to embrace your merciful love and to seek the good of my neighbor, even those who cause me ill-favor or offense. May I always love as you have loved and forgive others as you have forgiven. 

Be blessed.

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