Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Daily Catholic Reflection: Thursday, March 21, 2024, Thursday of the Fifth Week of Lent, Year B

Jn 8:51-59                    Full Readings

Blessed John of Parma

Whoever Keeps my Word will Never See Death

Brethren today's readings point us to the Graces involved in heeding to the word of God, to the word that Jesus brings to us. In the first Reading, Abraham was made the father of a multitude of nations because he heeded to the word of God and followed whatever was instructed to him by God. However, he didn't not only heed to God's word but also had unwavering faith in God; that's why he is the father of faith. Thus, from Abraham, we see that whoever keeps the word of God and believes in him, will never taste death but will reign forever with God.

When we heed to God's word many things in us change even our way of life, and vocation. For instance, we see many changes of names in the Bible, Why? These names were changed according to one's call which he has been called. Today we see Abram changed to Abraham. Abram which means exalted father was changed to Abraham which means father or protector of many nations or a large family because he was made the father of all nations and the father of faith. This shows us the significance of a name. When we name our children or as we nickname our spouses, what does the name we give them mean? Is it in itself evangelizing the word of God? Most times the person follows the meaning of his name, and so we have to be careful when naming our children. Sometimes you find one doesn't know the meaning of his name, try by all means, to know the meaning for it has a big role to play in your life as a Christian. Remember the mission of Jesus was in his name, Jesus means Saviour of people from the sins (Mt 1:21) and that's what Jesus did. Whoever listened to Jesus and followed his word was saved by his name.

The Gospel also brings the same message of heeding to the word of God, with a promise that such a person will never see death. When Jesus says this, what does he mean by death. St Augustine clearly teaches us like this: "It means nothing less than he saw another death from which he came to free us - the second death, eternal death, the death of hell, the death of the damned, which is shared with the devil and his angels! This is the real death; the other kind of death is only a passage" (Tractates on the Gospel of John 43.10-11).

It's clear therefore that Jesus meant the eternal death, death of eternal fire where Satan lives, the normal death is just a passage, but the Jews could not understand him. Jesus teaches us therefore that if we need eternal life, we must keep his word, uphold the commandments and we will have life everlasting. This is quite clear even in the teachings of the church, listen to the word of God, follow it, practice it in order to gain eternal happiness. This is done through our daily life by loving God and our neighbours as we love ourselves and as Jesus has loved us.

As we continue to reflect in this Lenten period, we see the message of the readings this week giving us one of the accusations which was laid upon Jesus for his crucifixion, that is calling himself son of God and his pre-existence. Today we see the Jews calling him mad, because of what he was saying. All these sounded like rubbish in the mind of the Jews since they had seen him growing and knew his father, that's why they wanted to stone him. However, it was the only truth they could not understand because from the beginning he was with God (John 1:1) and Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8) and this is very important for our Christian faith. 

When the Jewish authorities asked Jesus who do you claim to be? he answered, "before Abraham was, I am." Jesus claims to be timeless and there is only one in the universe who is timeless, namely God; He is the same yesterday and today and forever. Jesus was not just a man who came, lived, died, and then rose again. He is the immortal timeless One, who always was and always will be. In Jesus we see the eternal God in visible flesh. He is God who became a man for our sake and for our salvation. His death and resurrection make it possible for us to share in his immortality. 

Jesus knew what they would do to him, but he kept witnessing to his father and fulfilled the mission his father had sent him for, reflect today, how have you been able to fulfill and persevere in your mission in the world despite the difficulties, threats and challenges in this world. Do you believe the words of Jesus and obey them with all your heart, mind, and strength?

Let us Pray.
That we may be able to heed to God’s word, follow it and practice it in our daily life for the eternal happiness to come. May His word be on our lips and in our heart that we may walk in the freedom of His everlasting love, truth and goodness.

Blessed Lenten period.

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