Friday, April 5, 2024

Daily Catholic Reflection: Saturday, April 6, 2024, Saturday in the Octave of Easter, Year B

Mk 16:9-15               Full Readings

Saint Crescentia Hoess

Go, Preach the Gospel to the Whole Creation

We come to the end of the Easter Week and the final readings sets from the apostolic witness, which is to come, aided by the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the belief in the resurrection of Jesus. So, having been with Jesus, learning from him, and having come to the full belief in the resurrection of Jesus, then Apostles are now set and commissioned by Jesus when he appears to them in the room, to go to the whole world to proclaim the good news to all creation. Saint Augustine of Hippo commenting on the Apostlescommissioning says that:

"The command to the apostles to be witnesses to him in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and even to the uttermost parts of the earth was not addressed exclusively to those to whom it was immediately spoken. They alone would not be the only ones who would carry such an enormous task to completion. Similarly, he seems to be speaking to the apostles very personally when he says: "Behold I am with you even to the end of the world," yet who does not know that he made this promise to the universal church which will last from now even to the consummation of the world by successive births and deaths?" (Excerpt from Letter 199, To Hesychius 49). The commissioning of the Apostles is our commissioning too, the commissioning of all Christians to go to the whole world and witness to the gospel. 

We are invited to learn from the boldness of the Apostles who, despite all the threats, warnings and persecutions, continued to proclaim the gospel as we see in the first reading. This boldness also comes after they believed in the resurrection. It follows therefore, that to give an authentic proclamation one has to believe in Christ's resurrection. The reason for the above statement is simple, "the driving power that carries missionaries around the world and sets Christ Church in motion is the faith that comes from the belief in the resurrection" (Application Study Bible, notes of Mk 16:15). Thus, to proclaim the good news is to proclaim the risen lord. There would be no church, no evangelisation, no proclamation, no preaching, no salvation from sins if there was no resurrection as St Paul notes in 1 Cor. 15:14, 17. 

It is not possible in the name of Christ without believing in His resurrection. We will only to live in fear, desperation, and darkness just as the Apostles before they believed that really Jesus had risen. In the gospel today, Jesus is scolding his Apostles because of their unbelief. They could not believe in any of the testimonies given to them by those He appeared to before them until they saw themselves (was it because the first testimony was of a woman, Mary Magdalene? or because of their hardened hearts or of fear or of losing hope?). They could not even recognize that the answers they sought were within them, what they had heard from Jesus himself that he would rise on the third and that the scriptures also testified to this. Sometimes, our proclamation and witnessing to the Gospel and Jesus is hindered by our unbelief both in the scriptures and in what Jesus can do through us.

However, Jesus knows that, at times, we will struggle in our efforts to carry out our mission, just as it was challenging for the disciples to believe in the Resurrection. We can be outwardly confident yet harbor doubts and, in other moments, hesitant to proclaim what seems certain. Jesus sees and understands our resistance and reluctance; however, he continues to send us out to "the whole world." He never despairs of us, his beloved followers. After all, it is His work taking effect through our faithfulness. "[T]he Lord has taken the initiative, he has loved us first (1 Jn 4:19), and therefore we can move forward, boldly take the initiative, go out to others, seek those who have fallen away, stand at the crossroads and welcome the outcast.” (Evangelii Gaudium #24) Listen for where the Lord is inviting you to proclaim the Good News in the current circumstances of your life and take up your mission, the Lord will see you through.  

Today, how is the voice of the Lord telling you "Go to the whole world, proclaim the Good News to all creation" resounding in your heart and how ready are you to start and renew this great mission. How far have you gone in proclaiming the Good News by your words, deeds and your life; in your family, work, community and in every aspect of life. Believe in Jesus and the resurrection and you will excel in your mission to be the herald of the good news and ambassador for Jesus Christ, the only savior of the world. 

Let us Pray.

Lord Jesus Christ, increase my faith and hope in the power of your resurrection. And give me joy and courage to be your witness to others and to boldly speak of what you have done to save us from sin and death. Amen

Blessed Easter

Today: Nineth Day of Divine Mercy Novena

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