Friday, April 12, 2024

Daily Catholic Reflection: Saturday, April 13, 2024, Saturday of the Second Week of Easter, Year B

Acts 6: 1-7

Psalm 33:1-2.4-5. 18-19

John   6: 16-21                     Full Readings

Saint Martin I

Do not be Afraid.

Brethren, the first reading shows us how the apostles handled the problem of ethnicity within their ideal community of believers, and also shows us the example of how to share and help each other in the ministry by appointing the seven deacons, who were to serve people at the table and attend to their needs while the Apostles devoted themselves to prayer and proclaiming the word of God. The tendency to cater to “people from my place” to the detriment of others’ welfare is still very strong among us.  It exists in all walks of life, even in pious church communities. The problem always arises with sharing of material goods.  The inclusion of Spirit-filled people from different ethnic groups ensures equitable sharing of material resources and guards against partiality and injustice.


During this Easter season, we continue to read and reflect on the Gospel of John, and in today's Gospel, we see Jesus walking on water which frightened the disciples, but Jesus told them not to be afraid for it was he. When John recounted the scene of the apostles being alone at sea in a storm he described the situation as "dark" (John 6:17). It was dark not only physically but spiritually as well, for they could not recognise Jesus nor believe that he is the one moving on water. Although they were experienced fishermen, they were fearful for their lives. The Lord's sudden presence - and his supernatural ability to walk towards them on top of the rough waves of the sea - only made them more fearful! John says they were frightened. And Jesus had to calm them with a reassuring command: "Do not be afraid because I am here with you!"


The Lord also tells us today not to be afraid; he is always very present around us and within us, helping in troubles and in challenging and dark moments. Aren't we like the apostles when we experience moments of darkness, fear, and trials? While the Lord may at times seem absent or very distant to us, he, nonetheless, is always present and close-by. The Scriptures remind us that the Lord is "a very present help in trouble" (Psalm 46:1). Whatever storms may beset us, he promises to "bring us to our desired haven" and place of calm rest and safety (Psalm 107:29-30). The Lord keeps watch over us at all times, and especially in our moments of temptation and difficulty. Do you rely on the Lord for his strength and help?


We only need to heed and listen to his voice when he talks to us through scriptures, religious leaders, our fellows and people around us but above all to have faith in him. Jesus assures us that we have no need of fear if we put our trust in him and in his great love and care for us. When calamities or trials threaten to overwhelm you, how do you respond? With faith and hope in God's love, personal care, and presence with you?

Let us Pray

Lord Jesus, may I never doubt your saving help and your watchful presence in my life, especially in times of trouble. Fortify my faith with courage and give me enduring hope that I may never waver in my trust in you. Amen


Be blessed

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