Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Daily Catholic Reflection: Thursday, April 11, 2024, Memorial of Saint Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr, Year B

Acts 5:27-33,

Ps 34:2, 9, 17-18.19-20,

John 3:31 -36                      Full Readings

Saint Stanislaus

Revealed By His Son

"The Father loves the son and has entrusted everything to Him." Brethren, yesterday we saw that God so loved the world that he gave his only Son for us who believe in him to have eternal life and today's Gospel reading shows us that it was because the father loves his Son that he entrusted everything to him even the task of saving us. Jesus was not forced to come into the world, but he willingly accepted to come out of his Father's Love for him and for all humanity as the Father's true revelation.  

Jesus took up the responsibility and on the other hand was given responsibility by the Father with the total trust in him, by giving him everything that he would reveal to those who would believe in him so that they may have life. Jesus revealed God the Father as a perfect revelation, so that whoever sees the son has seen the Father, one who loves the Son loves the Father, and one who believes in the Son, believes in Father. Everything in heaven was revealed by Jesus because all was entrusted to him. That responsibility was well done by Jesus and it's an invitation for us too to carry out our responsibilities faithfully. Since we are also entrusted with many things in our lives, we should not misuse that trust by not carrying out our responsibilities well. Christ is our perfect example.


Such a responsibility would not be carried out without the Holy Spirit, Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke confidently about the Father and that to have eternal life we must believe in him. He also pours that Spirit to us in abundance, no rationing. It is upon us to accept that Spirit in our lives and to let it guide us on the way  to eternal life. This Spirit will lead us to attest to the truth in our lives as the Apostles constantly did after they had received the Holy Spirit. As we see in the first reading, filled with the Holy Spirit, they could not be stopped by anybody from speaking in the name of Jesus and being witness to the truth, but always proclaimed Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life. 


Since God has entrusted everything to Christ, reaching to Him must be through Christ with the help of the Holy Spirit who always reveals to us the mysteries and promises present in believing in Christ. Everything that came and comes from Jesus is also from the father and therefore as the Gospel points out, nothing that comes from earth, though authoritative as it may be, can be compared with that which comes from heaven, which is Christ and what he did and said. To obtain these higher and divine realities, we need a strong belief in Jesus and total surrender of our lives to the Spirit.


Easter is the time to reckon on the wonders Jesus did from his life, to his death on the Cross, and how he gloriously resurrected and eventually poured out his Spirit. This is enough for us to believe. Continue to reflect on these mysteries of heaven, and on how deep your trust is in them, in the Holy Spirit and how often do you entrust yourself to the Divine Providence. 


Let us Pray.

That the Lord may increase in us the trust and belief in Jesus and that we may open our hearts to receive the Holy Spirit in abundance as poured to us, not in portions, so that we may be able to live a life here on Earth worthy to obtain eternal life in heaven. Amen 


Blessed Easter Season

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