Thursday, August 1, 2024

Daily Catholic Reflection: Friday, August 2, 2024, Friday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time, Year B

Jeremiah 26:1 – 9,

 Psalm 69:5.8- 10. 14,

Matthew 13:54-58                     Full Readings

Saint Eusebius of Vercelli

No Prophet is Accepted in His Own People

Today's Gospel and indeed the first Reading shows us that really, no Prophet is accepted in his own country. When people are used to you and know your strengths and weaknesses, know your family background and how you grew up, it is very hard to convince them to listen to you even if you have a point. Dear Brethren, when you are doing well, and you have won the approval of many people, the expectation is that the people closest to you, your kith and kin, will be among them. According to Jesus in today’s Gospel, that expectation is not always met. As a matter of fact, your own people can be offended by your very success. More often than not, it is because they know you only too well. As the saying goes, “Familiarity breeds contempt.” How often do you take for granted what a person you know well from head to toe has to say? 

We often judge people because of their family background, the way they were raised up, the level of education, their characters and we often forget that God works in mysterious ways and can change that person into a prophet. More so a human being is dynamic and can change to best at any time. Such people even if they are telling us sense we just ignore, for we think nothing good can come out of them. This is wrong; we should always look at what someone has to offer rather than staying in our own prejudices.

The lack of recognition by his people did not deter Jesus from carrying on with his mission of salvation. The lack of recognition by people should not stop a disciple of Jesus from doing whatever good he has been sent to do. We should imitate Jesus, who was abandoned by everyone but didn't give up his mission. 

Reflect today on how you accept advice, suggestions, ideas and warnings from people you know well, the ones you are used to and the ones whom you think nothing good can come from them. Are you among those who are rejected by your own people? Know that Jesus and even Jeremiah in the first reading were rejected but they were victorious and so you will be also.  Pray for the Spirit to guide you and continue with your mission despite that rejection. 

Let us pray.

Almighty Father, touch the hearts of all your people so that we will accept your message even from the ones we least accept to bring it to us and the ones we are very familiar with. Lord Jesus, I see how the people of your hometown took offense at you. Instead of believing in your words of wisdom and deeds of power, they rejected you. I pray that I do not reject you in my life. Do not let me choose the path of sin or reject the way that leads to eternal life with you. Amen

Be blessed.

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