Is 30:19-21, 23-26
Ps 147:1-2, 3-4, 5-6
Mt 9:35–10:1, 5a, 6-8 Full Readings
Plenty Harvest, Less Labourers
Today’s two readings form a pair. The prophecy of Isaiah promises material plenty—admittedly only agricultural plenty, fodder for the oxen and donkeys, the brightest of sunlight and moonlight—as the Lord’s blessing. This is by God's mercy to his people. Then in the gospel passage, Jesus fulfils the prophetic promises by sending out the disciples urgently to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom by curing the sick, cleansing the lepers, and driving out demons. This is after Jesus saw the crowd who were like sheep without a shepherd and then said that the harvest is plenty, but the labourers are few, and so asked the disciples to pray to the Lord of the harvest to put more labourers.
Our invitation today is for us to examine ourselves to see if we are ready to be among the labourers who are to go to the Lord's vineyard to shepherd his sheep. The Lord has given us the power to do each and every kind of miracle and to bring back his people. What we need is to respond with faith and obedience to his call and the Lord will help us to be successful in whatever we do.
Jesus tells his disciples to give at no cost. Why did Jesus tell His Apostles to give at no cost? Firstly, they themselves received at no cost, and so they have to give at no cost. Secondly, we can't even imagine the price of the Gospel; if we were to value it even the money in the whole world would not buy it. The Gospel is God's gift for humanity so that we may live lives worthy and pleasing to God. This Gospel is the person, Jesus Christ, and at the same time about him, the only son of God.
In today's world, this law has been broken, for the Gospel has become a source of income, and it looks like anyone can just wake up one morning and start a church, not because he or she wants to spread the Good News but as a business. One American told me that if you want to be rich in America, start a church, and this is not alien also to Africa, visible on streets, in public transport, and in various evangelical churches around. This is misusing the Gospel for that is not the purpose it was created for. Be careful not to be taken away by such people or become one of them, for even Jesus knew they would come but woe to them who use God's name and the Gospel in vain and for their personal gains; they forget that we were given for free and we have to give for free.
Each and every day, we have the opportunity to share in Jesus’ work of establishing and growing the Kingdom of God. By our baptism and incorporation into Christ, we share in Jesus’ mission. We are like the apostles, who were called to stay with Jesus, spend time with him, learn from him, and abide in him. And, like the Apostles, we have been sent out in various ways to spread the Gospel and invite people to welcome Jesus into their lives. We are not the protagonists in this. Our action stems from Christ and leads to Christ. Without him, we can do nothing; with him, all things are possible. Reflect today on your readiness to become one of the labourers in the vineyard of God and shepherd his flock. Reflect also on your readiness to give at no cost, for the Gospel must not be sold. We are also reminded to depend solely on God's providence in our mission.
Let us Pray.
Lord Jesus, I surrender my everything to you. Take my life and use it for your glory. May you make me worthy to always be among the labourers in your vineyard and may I always offer the best I can by your grace. Teach me the art of the harvest, how to be a good example to my brothers and sisters, how to spread the Gospel message, how to know when to invite, and how to teach the truth about you and your plan of salvation for humanity. Amen
Be blessed.
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