Monday, February 10, 2025

Daily Catholic Reflection: Tuesday, February 11, 2025, Tuesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Genesis 1:20—2:4a

Psalm 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9

Mark 7:1-13                        Full Readings

Our Lady of Lourdes

Worshiping From the Heart

Brethren, Why did God create us? Simple and basic catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that he created us to know him, love him (then worship him) and be with him in heaven forever. In the first reading, in the account of creation that we read in Genesis, human beings are created last, as a sign of our dignity.  We are created in God’s image and likeness with intelligence and free will.  Male and female, He created us. Both genders are fashioned in the image of God, not one greater than the other.  We reveal God’s image in us when we show compassion, fidelity and care for others.

But when we practice violence, retaliation, and brutality, we tarnish the image of God in us. When we try to bring order out of disorder, which is not the purpose for which God created us all, we are not participating in the creation as God intended us to. What can we comment on the present same-sex marriage and relationships? Is this the plan of God as he created male and female? We should always seek to grow in our fidelity to God’s law, not change the order that God put since the beginning of the world; try always to show our concern for those who are weak and ignorant, and in this way, we brighten and grow in the image and likeness of the God who has made us. Above all, we should live to worship God from the heart.

In the gospel, Jesus accuses the Pharisees and Scribes specifically of two things. First of hypocrisy. Like actors, who put on a show, they appear to obey God's word in their external practices while they inwardly harbour evil desires and intentions. Secondly, he accused them of abandoning God's word by substituting their own arguments and ingenious interpretations for what God requires. They listened to clever arguments rather than to God's word. Jesus refers them to the prophecy of Isaiah (29:31), where the prophet accuses the people of his day of honouring God with their lips while their hearts went astray because of disobedience to God's laws.

One of the original laws of God is to honour our fathers and parents and take care of them, especially in old age. Jesus challenged them for their use of ritual tradition that excused them from fulfilling the commandment to honour one's father and mother. If someone wanted to avoid the duty of financially providing for their parents in old age or sickness, they could say that their money or goods were an offering "given over to God" and thus exempt from any claim of charity or duty to help others. They broke God's law to fulfil a law of their own making. Jesus explained that they void God's command because they allowed their hearts and minds to be clouded by their own notions of religion. And many other traditions they did, like washing of the cups and pots and bronze dishes and washing of hands up to the elbows. 

These people were lacking true worship. The various traditions of the elders were not necessarily bad, such as the careful ceremonial washing of one’s hands before eating. But these traditions were empty if they were not motivated by a deep faith and love of God. The external following of human traditions was not truly an act of divine worship, and that’s what Jesus wanted for them. He wanted their hearts to be set ablaze with a love of God and with true divine worship.

As Catholics, our life of prayer and worship is grounded in the holy liturgy. The liturgy incorporates many traditions and practices that reflect our faith and become a vehicle of the grace of God. And though the liturgy itself is far different from the mere “tradition of the elders” that Jesus was criticizing, it’s useful to remind ourselves that the many liturgies of our Church must move from the external actions to interior worship. Going through the motions alone is pointless. We must allow God to act on us and within us as we engage in the external celebration of the Sacraments.

Reflect today upon the burning desire in the heart of our Lord to draw you into worship. Reflect upon how well you allow yourself to be drawn into this worship every time you attend the holy Mass. Seek to make your participation not only an exterior one but, first and foremost, an interior one. Doing so will help ensure that the rebuke of our Lord upon the scribes and Pharisees does not also fall upon you.

Let us Pray

My divine Lord, You and You alone are worthy of all worship, adoration and praise. You and You alone deserve the worship I offer You from the depths of my heart. Help me and Your entire Church to always interiorize our exterior acts of worship so as to give You the glory that is due Your holy name. Amen

Be blessed

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