Psalm 119:165, 168, 171, 172, 174, 175
Mark 9:38-40 Full Readings
The Spirit Blows Where He Wills
Brethren, Jesus today challenges disciples as they came reporting that they stopped a man casting out demons in Jesus' name because he was not part of them. Jesus' challenge to the disciples gives us an important lesson today. Most times we are fond of thinking that God's mission is only about us, as priests, or religious, or even only the Catholic Church, and in this way trying to limit the action of the Spirit, putting him in a box, not knowing that the Spirit moves and blows where he wills. He uses anybody, from anywhere, from any religion, and from any status, to show the action of God in the world and in his people. Jesus today passes a lesson that we should not limit the Spirit in his actions.
It is very clear and obvious that we found the mission of God and we shall leave it here until the end of days. Why then, brethren, should we keep saying, he or she is not part of us, he is not in our sodality, he is from a bad family, he is not a Catholic, he is a sinner, he is not a Protestant, he is not from a chosen race, etc., and so he or she cannot be an instrument for God's love, mercy, and power? It is not our mission but God's mission and God chooses anyone he wants to use in his mission. Who are we to start judging and even stopping people from participating in God's mission? Whoever is not against Jesus is with him, and this teaching should be taken readily and followed but with a lot of caution, for there are many false prophets who will come in Jesus' name and deceive us.
Why do we sometimes become jealous and envy others when they are successful or have qualities and gifts like ours or even more than us? The reason we may grieve over another's good is that somehow we see that good as lessening our own value or excellence. Envy forms when we believe that the other person's advantage or possession diminishes or brings disgrace on us. Envy is contrary to love. Both the object of love and the object of envy is our neighbour's good, but by contrary movements, since love rejoices in our neighbour's good, while envy grieves over it. This can enable us fulfil God's mission and build his kingdom.
To carry out God's mission faithfully and successfully, we need to have a collaborative ministry, focusing more on inclusivity, not exclusivity. Collaboration requires that we be open to others and their ideas rather than being controlling or cliquish. With this, we are surely building the kingdom of God here in earth. We must allow everyone in freedom to bring his or her gifts in building the kingdom of God provided they are according to God's will. Encouraging the freedom that allows for legitimate diversity, and praying for those works of God that come through others as well as rejoicing in their successes, are ways we help build the Kingdom.
Above all, charity and love must be our guides in building the kingdom, for it is live that unites and binds us together; this is the love that God has put into our hearts through the gift of the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5). Charity rejoices in others’ successes: “Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, love is not pompous, it is not inflated, it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests, it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury…” (1 Corinthians 13:4-5). Jesus asks us to put aside competition and comparison to appreciate and affirm the gifts and talents of others. When we collaborate in charity, we make Christ present in the world in a visible way, for charity is the mark of Christians: "This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).
Let us Pray
Lord Jesus, give me purity of intention so that I serve you wholeheartedly. Free me from seeking recognition or a personal sense of value in what I do rather than in your love alone, and help me love my brothers and sisters who are also working to build up the Kingdom. Amen
Be blessed
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