Sunday, May 31, 2020

March 24, 2020, Tuesday of the Forth Sunday of Lent Year A

Reading I: Ezekiel 47:1-9,12, 
Psalm 45(46):2-3,5-7,8-9a, 
Gospel: John 5:1-3,5-16 Full Readings
Sin paralyses us
Brethren, if you noticed since Sunday, the message of readings has changed from the warning and call for repentance, to the restoration of life as Jesus performs miracles in the gospels and first Readings promise of New Life. This means that if we have heeded to the call for penance and returning to God, our lives will be restored, and given new life. The restoration of life points us to the glory of Easter where death is conquered and life reigns by Jesus' resurrection.
 In the first Reading, we see the importance of water, for the people of the Old Testament, waster was not only important for domestic use but also for healing, giving life and remission of sins. That's why we see in the vision of Ezekiel waters which flowed from sanctuary gave life to every living creature. People believed God would shower his blessings through them and that's why we also find the paralysed man in the Gospel who tries to enter the pool of water when it is disturbed. Indeed those who would enter first, they would be healed.  
The importance of water not only remained in the Old Testament but also taken up by us, at baptism we are poured water as a sign of washing away our sins, even during some penitential rites. Jesus also instructed the blind man to and wash in the pool of Siloam (Gospel of Sunday) and the man restored his sight. The water which flowed from the side of Jesus was like the water from the rock, which became a source of life for us. 
All these stress the importance of water in the church and the priest blesses water, that water is very powerful to drive away every evil. Therefore water is a symbol of life.
The water which flowed from the sanctuary is a symbol of God's grace which dwells in the church, the grace which flows from his throne and transforms everyone who believes in him. It's quite unfortunate that during this time of pandemic, we cannot father together in church and pray, but let us find our own time at home and pray for the healing touch of God, to all the world. 
Through the Church God pours his spirit to us so that we may have life and it's this Spirit that Jesus used to restore life. 
Therefore, there is something more with Jesus than the ordinary water, Jesus is filled with the Spirit that he is able to perform all the miracles. We remember when John testified, he baptises with water, but Jesus will baptise in fire and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit was always at work with Jesus and now at work in us if we have faith. 
It is because of faith that the paralytic was healed, we too also need that faith to get healed from our paralytic nature of sin. We might not be physically paralytic but Sin has paralysed us, and that is why we need healing. Jesus asks the paralytic, "Do you want to be well again?" meaning the man was well but due to his sins, he became paralytic, Reflect today, where has sin paralysed you that you cannot see the grace of God, and then let us respond to Jesus that "I want to be well again" not like the paralytic who started complaining instead of answering the question Jesus asked. Jesus tells us to pick up our mats and walk, are we ready to pick up our mats and walk, to leave our old ways and move forward to God? Reflect today on where you want to be healed and ask for that healing. 
Let us not forget also to ask for healing upon Corona virus victims and for the Everlasting solution to this pandemic. Lord have mercy on us.
Let us pray 
Lord, please forgive me for my sins.  I desire to see them and to acknowledge the consequences they impose upon me.  I know that You desire to free me from these burdens and to heal them at the source.  Lord, give me courage to confess my sins to You, especially in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Amen
Blessed Lenten season of prayer fasting and alms Giving

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