Sunday, May 31, 2020

March 25, 2020, Wednesday of the Forth Sunday of Lent Year A

Reading I: Isaiah 7 :10-14; 8: 10, 
Ps 40:7-8a.8b-9.10, 
Reading II: Hebrews 10:4- 10, 
Gospel: Luke 1:26-38 Full Readings 
God became man for our salvation
Brethren, today we celebrate the feast of Annunciation of the Lord that is nine months before Christmas, when Jesus was conceived in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary. God has become man, to live like us and He is Emmanuel meaning God is with us. God takes the first initiative to come to us, to save us according to his promises. Therefore the sole purpose of Annunciation is for our salvation as Matthew 1.21 puts it clearly that he will be called Jesus meaning that he will save his people from their sins. Name Jesus therefore means Saviour.

Jesus came into the world to bring light but people preferred darkness to light as John 3.19 puts it. It is because of our sins that he preferred that he died on the cross. He took away all the Holocaust sacrifices, by offering himself once and for all, so that we may be saved and be made Holy before God, but it's still surprising that even after during, we still sin and disobey to move in the light, that's why we have a lot of misfortunes in our midst, for not accepting Jesus, believe in Him and then do his will. 
Reflect today on how God has taken initiative to do a miracle in your life but you have not been ready to let his will be done in our life. Where have I not done the will of God, and then am I now ready to say, See Lord I have come to do your will and God let it be done according to your will as Mary did. 
Some Reflections from today's readings
Today’s feast is also a clear reminder to us that life in the womb does not begin after the baby is born but at the very minute of conception. Mary’s stomach was still very flat but when she went to visit her kinswoman Elizabeth, John the Baptist leaped in Elizabeth’s womb in salutation to Jesus whose presence he already felt inside Mary’s womb. Any abortion therefore is killing a person, imagine If Mary had aborted where would we be now?
Let us learn from Mary to say ‘Yes’ to God so that his plans for our lives will be manifested. Each time we commit a sin, we are saying ‘No’ to God and further pulling ourselves away from the life God planned out for us. We are all bundles of potential, but none of these would be realized if we don’t learn to say ‘Yes’ to God.
Reflect, today, upon your own invitation from God to say “Yes” to Him in all things.  You, like our Blessed Mother, are invited to bring our Lord into the world.  Not in the literal way she did, but you are called to be an instrument of His continual Incarnation in our world.  Reflect upon how fully you answer this call and get on your knees today and say “Yes” to the plan our Lord has for your life.
Let's pray today that Jesus our saviour may save us from the calamities that have befallen us, especially the pandemic Corona Virus and the new Virus, Hanta virus, discovered in China. Let's Join  Pope Francis today as he blesses the world today at noon and for us it will be at 2 pm, may we say Our Father during that time, and so cry for mercy and forgiveness from God so that he will take away all the sins and restore our peace.
Let us pray
Lord we have really sinned beyond forgiveness even after sending your son to die for us and save us. We repent with our whole heart and ask for your mercy upon us that during these difficult times we might not despair nor become despondent but that it may make realise and recognize you more and more as our God who is always there for us. Save us by your precious hand so that we may live to praise all the days of our lives. Amen.
Blessed Lent.

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