Sunday, May 31, 2020

March 27, 2020, Friday of the Forth Sunday of Lent Year A

Reading I: Wisdom 2:1a.12-22, 
Psalm 34: 17-18.19-20.21 and 23 (R. 19a), 
Gospel: John 7:1-2.10.25-30 Full Readings
The Cross of the Virtuous
Brethren, the days are near, the time is coming when Jesus is going to be captured, tried and sentenced to death, as we wait for his resurrection. Today's readings point out very clearly that the virtuous has a cross to carry, the one who trusts in the Lord must suffer in the hands of the people and Jesus also knows it that the time is nearing, even Everyone in Jerusalem knows that they are plotting to kill him. What will Jesus do? Will he abandon his mission entrusted to him by the father ? No, for God is closer to the broken hearted and gives consolation. Jesus was broken-hearted because the people he had come for, the ones who ate with him at the table, were the ones who turned against him and plotted to kill him. In many instances we have again broken the heart of Jesus, by our way of life and refusing to put our trust in him. He feels hurt, he cries deep within on the right hand of the Father when he, who gave his life for us, sees us doing our own and rejecting him as he was rejected and killed. When we reject him, we reject the Father who sent him, and by that we are doomed to death unless we repent and return to him.

Additionally, we have not only rejected Jesus and his Messengers but also our fellows by excluding them, forming cliques and leaving them out, plotting against their success in life, their righteousness with God as we claim that they are proud and other sorts of things. 
As Jesus was judged basing on familiarity, knowing his parents and so from such a family cannot come a prophet, we also judge our fellows like that, we only focus on their negatives not even recognising the many strengths in them.
Sometimes the more familiar we are with someone the harder it is to actually see their goodness and the presence of God in their lives.  Often, we are tempted to look at them and presume we “know all about them.”  As a result, what we can often do is simply highlight their faults and weaknesses in our minds and see them only through the lens of these faults and weaknesses.  
Sometimes we refuse to heed to the witness through word and action of the son of so and so , the daughter of so and so, because they are our neighbors, we Know how they grew, their weaknesses, their poor family background, the non noticeable contribution of their families to the society and things of the sort. This judging stops us from seeing what is good in them and finally like Jesus we reject them and even kill them spiritually and socially and also like Jesus we kill them physically.
Reflect, How have you plotted evil against your friend, your neighbor, brother, sister and anybody else? How have you been jealous of your friends righteousness, love of God, and his successful life? How have I not appreciated my fellows for trying to stand for the truth?
Jesus was killed because he stood for the truth, and opposed the hypocrisy and all way of life Pharisees, scribes and all evil customs. The first Reading gives the similar case, we see the Virtuous man being plotted against to be put to torture for challenging their ways of life and living up to God. However, there was no fear in him, for God is on his side for normally, what prevents us from doing the will of God is fear, especially of being rejected, abandoned for the word of God is always challenging other people. 
Jesus gives us a perfect example as he didn't need their threats, though he knew that he was going to be killed, he didn't give up but rather was strengthened to do his mission more and more. Let us follow his example, for we Know there is a cross following Jesus, and the reward is eternal life. Let's put our trust in God for he will not abandon us though others may, abandon us, reject us though others do, and he will give us eternal life though others kill us because of being virtuous and faithful to him.
Let's be in prayer as we move with Jesus towards his death and his glorious resurrection, we pray that as he conquered all the temptations, we too may by the power of his spirit conquer ours, let's be ready to suffer and enjoy life also because of following him. For there is joy of the heart and tranquility with following Jesus. 
As we follow the way of the cross individually today, let's remember his suffering for us and give back to him by living him, and as we  draw closer to Easter let's prepare our hearts to receive it's light.
Let us pray.
"Eternal God, who are the light of the minds that know you, the joy of the hearts that love you, and the strength of the wills that serve you; grant us so to know you, that we may truly love you, and so to love you that we may fully serve you, whom to serve is perfect freedom, in Jesus Christ our Lord." (Prayer of Saint Augustine). Amen.
Blessed Lenten period. Please don't forget to pray the stations of the Cross today as we walk with Jesus on his way to Calvary and as we pray for the end of the pandemic Corona Virus. Pray it alone or with the family and below are the stations of the Cross.

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