Sunday, May 31, 2020

March 26, 2020, Thursday of the Forth Sunday of Lent Year A

Reading I: Exodus 32:7- 14, 
Psalm 106:19-20.21-22.23, 
Gospel: John 5:31-47 Full Readings
 Oh Lord Remember us out of the love you have for your people.
Brethren, let us continue to implore God for his Mercy so that he may remember us in this time of trial, times of pandemic attack.
In the first Reading, Moses pleaded with God who had anger like burning fire and wanted to destroy the Israelites and out of Moses' pleading and righteousness, God had mercy on them and didn't destroy them. The Israelites annoyed God because they had not followed his commandments and ordinances and had made themselves a calf forgetting the God who had brought them from Egypt, from slavery to freedom and liberation.
 Let us Reflect today on the ways we have abandoned God, even when we know whatever he has done in our lives, and made ourselves idols from worldly things. Let us repent and return to God for his anger has gone wild and if we don't come back to Him it may devour us. 
There are also sometimes when we have not been recognized, for what we have done in other people's lives, for the love we gave given out and received hate in return, for the support we have given and received negligence I'm return, for the sacrifices we have offered to others and received rejection in return, for the help we have given and received insults in return and for everything we have done to make sure the other is happy but we have received abandonment. In these experiences, we lose hope, we become angry and even we feel like stopping to offer our love. But God today gives us an example to keep on offering our love to others, we are encouraged to love unconditionally, as Jesus told us that we should love our enemies though they don't love us in return. 
We also Reflect on how we have been able to be that only person who pleads on behalf of others like Moses, who becomes a candle light for others to see the way and guides in the way of righteousness. How many times have we stood strong for others despite their situations and implore mercy on their behalf? For those moments let's thank God and pray that God will still give us strength to always give testimony to the word of God as the Gospel puts it.
Jesus was sent by God to testify to Him through his works as John had done. The testimony of Jesus is however more than that of John for Jesus loved us and gave himself for us by dying on the cross. He did not need human approval but God himself who sent him bore witness to Jesus. Through this way and his works, he brought new life to the world so that whoever comes to him, will have life everlasting. 
We are also called to bear witness to the Gospel, through our words and actions. For they will see us that we are children of God by our works and love of one another. Let us not be like Pharisees who study the scripture and Know it by heart but cannot practice it in any way. During this time of Lent, it is our duty to put into practice what we know from the scripture, especially about prayer, fasting and alms Giving. 
Reflect, today, upon your call to give testimony to the Father in Heaven.  You are called to share the love of the Father with everyone you meet.  If you embrace this mission, in great and small ways, the Gospel will be made manifest to others through you, and the will of the Father will be more fully accomplished in our world.
Let us pray.
Lord, I pray that I act as a witness to the love flowing from Your Heart.  Give me the grace to be real, genuine and sincere.  Help me to become a pure instrument of Your merciful Heart so that all my works will give testimony to Your mercy.  Jesus, I trust in You.
Blessed Lent

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