Amos 5: 14-15.21-24,
Psalm 50:7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 16BC-17
Matthew 8:28-34 Full Readings
Conquering the Evil One.
In yesterday's reflection, we saw that Jesus has power over all natural forces. Today's Gospel presents to us Jesus's Power over the demons and the demonic kingdom. When the devils that possessed two men saw Jesus, they knew He was very powerful and had come to destroy them. They then pleaded with Him to send them to the pigs (swine), and then commanded them with only two words, "Go then" just as He commanded the storm, "Be still" and to Lazarus, "Lazarus arise". This really shows Jesus' power over everything for the Father loves the Son and has entrusted everything to Him (John 3: 35).The demons quickly ran into the pigs and the pigs were drowned in the lake. The unfortunate thing is that people could not withstand this and they told Him to leave their town. Not all who hear about Jesus believe in Him, that is why we need to keep fostering the work of evangelization wherever we go so that all will come to believe in Him.