Thursday, June 4, 2020

June 4, 2020, Thursday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time, Year A

2 Timothy 2:8-15,
Psalm 25 : 4-5ab 8-9.7-10,
Mark 12:28b-34 Full Readings

The Greatest Commandment
Brethren, in the Gospel today Jesus the Good teacher and a new Moses,  gives us the greatest commandment after being asked by the Pharisees of which is the first commandment. This greatest commandment is Love. Of course it was obvious that the Pharisees knew that the Love of God is the first and the greatest, but they always wanted to trick Him. 

Jesus' answer was very clearly and Rabbinic answer:  “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength…You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”  (Mark 12:30-31b)
His answer superseded what they really knew because He added one more thing: Love of neighbour which was neglected. He brings two laws in one law of love, and all are necessary for our salvation.  

In this way, Jesus brings in a new teaching or law. The Jews knew only that love of God is ultimate and that there was no need of any other thing to be done in order to be well with God. They were only concerned above all to live holy lives and to keep the traditions and the Covenant. That is why Jesus first quotes for them their basic confession of faith in Deuteronomy 6.5, which was recited by every faithful Jew three times a day, ‘And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, mind and strength’; it was straightforward a priority. This was all that mattered. But the exciting thing about the answer is that Jesus couples that with another text from Leviticus 19.18, ‘And you shall love your neighbour as yourself’. 

This command is not new, but it is only staggering and embarrassing that Jesus puts it on one level with the Love of God. It will, of course, in all his discussions be his main principle in interpreting the Law. Jesus emphasized that love of God is not enough, we need to love our neighbours, our fellows as we love ourselves. 

Love of God is shown when we love our fellows,  and follow his Laws and everyone will know that we are Christians when we love one another. God is love and dwells where there is love, when we live in love with one another, God will surely be among us, but without love, we are chasing Him away. 

There has always been a question that if Jesus told us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, what about those who don't love themselves? Jesus in further interpreting this law, polished it that Love one another as I have loved you (John 15:12). This means that our love for one another should be based on Jesus' love for us. He loved us unconditionally and so, we should do the same to our brethren.

Brethren, we have to understand that we can't claim we love God  if we don't love one another as John teaches us (1 John 4:20). We can't love God whom we have not seen while we hate our fellows; we are liars. He also teaches us that everyone who doesn't love his or her fellow brethren is a murderer and no eternal life for such a person (1 John 3:15). So Brethren, loving one another is an act of faith in God, and let no thoughts of hatred cone in our lives. 

If we want God to live in us we have to live in love. St Paul in the first reading warns us that if we disown God, He will disown us too, and one way of disowning Him is by not living in love. He warns us also about wrangling about words, quarrels, using bad words which really take away the love among brethren and sends away God. We therefore, have, in all means, to live in love for God to reign in our lives.

Reflect today on how deep is your love for God. How deep also is your love for your parents, brothers, your sisters, neighbours, friends, people you meet and even strangers? How do you show your love to God and your neighbors? Pray for graces that God will implant in you His divine fire of love. 

Let us pray.
My God and my Lord, I love you above all things and I surrender everything to your Holy will. May you always make me realise that this is not enough to please you, and that I need to love my neighbor as you have loved me. Amen

Be blessed.

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