Friday, June 5, 2020

June 5, 2020, Memorial of Saint Boniface, Bishop and Martyr, Year A

2 Timothy 3:10-17,
Psalm 119:157,160,161,165,166,
Mark 12:35-37 Full Readings

The Lordship of Christ.

Today's Gospel reading presents Jesus avoiding the title Son of David not that He is not from the lineage  of David but with a reason. There many verses in the Bible which present Jesus as Son of David both from the Old Testament and New Testament. For instance Romans 1:3, 2 Timothy 2:8, Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38, present Jesus to be from the lineage of David. Mark 10:47, Matthew 9:27; 12:23 present Jesus being named with the Title Son of David. All these show that Jesus is really from the lineage of David. 

The question is now why did Jesus try to run away from the title "Son of David." In Mark it is used once only by Bartimaeus of Jericho, and he is told to keep quiet. Let us understand why Jesus tried to avoid this title.

The understanding of Messiah in the Jewish culture was that he was to be a political King who would deliver them from Romans and this Messiah will be from the lineage of David. However, this was not the mission of Jesus, his mission was to bring the Kingdom of God not to become a political King. Jesus avoided this title ‘son of David’ because this title was too closely associated with a political role for the Messiah, a son of David who would drive out the Romans.

In this way Jesus tries to bring the arguments we see in the Gospel today: How can the Messiah be the son of David while David calls him Lord? These arguments were to remove that misconception that Jesus would be a political King.

The Lordship of Jesus is therefore not for this world, for the political King but the Lordship of the Kingdom of God. Jesus' mission was to spread this Kingdom and we too are the coworkers in this mission. We are guided by his words which are put down in the Holy scriptures with the aid of the Holy Spirit.

All the people were delighted in this teaching for Jesus always spoke inspired by the Spirit. The word of Jesus is truth and full of wisdom just as the whole scripture is. St Paul in the first reading  tells us that all scripture is inspired by God and can profitably be used for teaching, for refuting error, for guiding people’s lives and teaching them to be holy. Brothers, if we want to grow in wisdom we have to be instructed by Jesus, by the word of God which is the Scripture. With this we shall be ready for all the good works like Jesus by being inspired by His humility.

Reflect today on the humility of Jesus by refusing to become the political King. Can you refuse to become the political ruler in favour of the kingdom of God? Reflect today on  how deep your love for scripture is, remembering that the whole scripture is inspired by God. Pray to God to increase your humility.

Let us pray.

My Lord and my God, may I always be inspired by your humility and wisdom so that I may conquer this world as you did. Amen. 

Be blessed

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