Saturday, July 25, 2020

Daily Catholic Reflection: July 26, 2020, Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A.

1 Kings 3:5.7-12,
Ps119:57 and 72.76-77.127-128. 129-130,
Matthew 13:44-52  Full Readings

 The Precious Treasure

The first reading and the gospel are joined by the theme of the search for the precious treasure. For King Solomon the greatest treasure was the wisdom to enable him to govern his people well. For us the treasure is the kingdom of God. Whoever discovers it is determined to change their whole life to have it. The second reading tells us that God directs everything so that we may have the courage to make the right choice when challenging options are put before us for when God calls us, He justifies us and gives us grace to pass through anything. Today let's reflect on what our precious treasure is and what we can ask from the Lord  that will enable everything to flow to us as it was to Solomon.

In this world and as individuals, we have something or someone we treasure most but oftentimes we find it is not lasting. As Christians our precious and highest treasure should be the kingdom of God which we will enjoy here and after this world and in this world our precious treasure should be wisdom which comes from the fear of the Lord and which will enable us discern between the good and bad and do only the good which the Lord wants. 

The Gospel presents three images which show how the  kingdom of God is  like. Each image teaches us the truth about the kingdom of God. Let us reflect on each. 

First the Kingdom of God is like a precious treasure hidden in the soil. The Kingdom of God is a precious treasure that we should always desire to get because in it are every virtue, happiness and eternal life. What else do we need apart from these. The Gospel tells us that it is hidden. It is hidden not in a sense that God doesn't want us to discover it but in a sense that we should put our efforts in finding it. We all know that something precious is not easy to get, and has to be kept in a very safe place. Whoever finds it has found God. In yesterday's Gospel we even saw that entering the kingdom of God requires drinking the cup which Jesus drank. However, finding this treasure has only one easy way which is following Jesus and believing in Him. 

The second image is that the Kingdom of God is like a pearl of great price. Pearls in the ancient world came to represent the supremely valuable. Jesus remarked that one should not cast pearls before swine (Matthew 7:6). That's why a merchant would sell everything  to get it. No doubt because he was attracted to what he thought was the greatest treasure he could possess. Discovering God's kingdom is like stumbling across hidden treasure or finding the one pearl of great price. 

Selling all that we have to obtain this incomparable treasure could mean many things - our friends, job, our "style of life", what we do with our free time. Treasure has a special connection to the heart, the place of desire and longing, the place of will and focus. The thing we most set our heart on is our highest treasure. In this parable what does the treasure of the kingdom refer to? It certainly refers to the kingdom of God in all its aspects. But in a special way, the Lord himself is the treasure we seek for. If the Almighty is your gold and your precious silver, then you will delight yourself in the Almighty (Job 22:22- 23). Is the Lord the treasure and delight of your heart?

The third image is that of a dragnet and a great catch of fish. Just as a drag-net catches every kind of fish in the sea, so the church acts as God's instrument for gathering in all who will come. Just as the drag-net does not or cannot discriminate, so the church does not discriminate between the good and the bad, the useless and the useful. God's kingdom is open to all who will accept and believe. But there will come a time of separation, at the close of the age, when the angels will send the good and the bad to their respective destinations. Our task is to gather in all who will come. God, in the end, will give the good (those who accept and follow Christ) and the bad (those who refuse Christ) the reward they deserve. God offers the treasure of his kingdom to all who believe in Christ. Do you hunger for God and for his kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy? Where do you want to belong, the good fish or the fish that is thrown away? 

The first Reading teaches us to always ask for virtues and everything will follow. How do you and what do you ask from the Lord? All our prayers should be direct and good for us, for our neighbors and for serving God not for our selfish desires. God will surely answer our prayer if it meets these qualities. Above all let us imitate Solomon who only asked for wisdom for wisdom will give us whatever we need. 

Reflect today on what your precious treasure is. Is it the kingdom of God that will enable you to have everlasting life? Is it wisdom that will enable you to live in this world well?  Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you as you prioritise treasures in your life.

 Let us pray.
Grant me Lord the love for wisdom and knowledge of how precious is your kingdom for me. May I always use this wisdom for your service and the service of humanity. Amen 

Blessed Sunday. May Sts Joachim and Anne Pray for us

1 comment:

  1. May I always treasure the kingdom of God and desire for wisdom
